Northern Panay Climate Change Consortium Planning Workshop
Date and Time of Event: September 27, 2019, 8:00AM-5:00PM
Where: University of Antique, Tibiao Campus
Following the ceremonial Memorandum of Understanding signing and launching of the Northern Panay Climate Change Consortium on September 5, 2019 in Pandan, Antique, a one-day strategic action planning workshop will be held in the Tibiao Campus of the University of Antique.
The Strategic Action Planning Workshop endeavors to:
1) Enumerate succeeding programs and activities to be conducted by the Consortium in view of the roles of Parties articulated in the Memorandum of Understanding.
2) Identify points of collaboration between and among Parties for capacity building and provision of technical assistance.
3) Harmonize NPCCC activities with CCC and DILG activities and policies.
Contact person for inquiries: Erwin Husmalaga
Contact details: [email protected] / 0928-1906757