Resolution No. 2011-2
A Resolution Approving the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP)


Resolution No. 2011-3
Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (R-IRR) of Republic Act No. 9729, otherwise known as the Climate Change Act of 2009 as amended by Republic Act No. 10174


Resolution No. 2011-4
A Resolution Constituting the National Panel of Technical Experts and Appointing the Members


Resolution No. 2011-5
Endorsing the PGBI and IFC of the World Bank Group to Study Develop and Formulate a Green Building Ordinance for LGUs


Resolution No. 2011-6
Authorizing the Dialogue with WorldWatch Institute for the Design of "Sustainable Power System: A Roadmap for the Philippines"


Resolution No. 7
Endorsing the Black Carbon or Black Soot Mitigation Project of Commissioner Heherson T. Alvarez


Resolution No. 2016-001
Resolution on the Development of a Clear Policy on Coal-Fired Power Plants in Pursuit of a Low Carbon Development Pathway for the Philippines


Resolution No. 2017-001
Approving the Renewal of Appointment of Members of the National Panel of Technical Experts (NPTE)


Resolution No. 2018-001
Resolution Mandating the Integration of Indigenous Cultural  Communities/Indigenous Peoples' Practices and Traditional Knowledge on Climate Adaptation and Resilience in the Local Climate Change Action Plans and Annual Investment Plans of Local Government Units


Resolution No. 2018-002
Resolution Creating the Blue Carbon Steering Committee (BCSC) and the Blue Carbon Technical Working Group (BCTWG) of the Philippines


Resolution No. 2018-003
Resolution Adopting the Guidance Document in Institutionalizing the Philippine Greenhouse Gas Inventory Management and Reporting System of EO 174 s. 2014


Resolution No. 2019-001
Resolution Adopting a National Climate Risk Management Framework to Address the Intensifying Adverse Impacts of Climate Change


Resolution No. 2019-002
Resolution Mainstreaming and Strengthening Gender-Responsive Approaches in the Formulation and Implementation of Climate Change Policies, Plans, Programs and Activities


Commission Resolution 2020-001
Approving the Renewal of the NPTE


Commission Resolution 2020-002
Adopting Systems & Procedures of the NDA on Matters
Relating to the GCF

Resolution No. 2020-003
Urging the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation -Disaster Risk Reduction (CCAM-DRR) Cabinet Cluster, through its Member Agencies, to Adopt the Principles of the Circular Economy, Encourage the Use of Environment-Friendly Products and Practices, and Prohibit Single-use Plastics in their respective Offices


Resolution No. 2020-004
Resolution Adopting the Thematic Priorities of the Philippine Country Programme for the Green Climate Fund 2019-2023


Resolution No. 2021-001
Resolution Endorsing to the President of the Republic of the Philippines the Submission of the First Philippine Nationally Determined Contribution to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change


Resolution No. 2021-002
Resolution Creating the Inter-agency Technical Working Group for Sustainable Finance


Resolution No. 2021-003
Resolution Adopting the Results Framework of the Climate Change Commission to Increase its Responsiveness in Fulfilling its Mandates under Republic Act (RA) No. 9729, as Amended, and other Existing Laws


Resolution No. 2021-004
Adopting the Nomination, Selection and Appointment Process of the National Panel of Technical Experts of the Climate Change Commission


Resolution No. 2021-005
Promulgating the Call for Nominations to the National Panel of Technical Experts of the Climate Change Commission and Expressing Profound Gratitude to its Outgoing Members for the Invaluable Contribution and Dedicated Service toward Mainstreaming Climate Science in Policy and Practice.


Resolution No. 2021-006 Annex
Adopting the Plans & Targets Relative to the Result Framework of the Climate Change Commission


Resolution No. 2021-007 Annex
Adopting the Proposed Organizational Structure of the Climate Change Commission


Resolution No. 2021-008
Adopting the Philippine Country Programme for the Green Climate Fund 2019-2023


Resolution No. 2021-009
Appointing New Members of the National Panel of Technical Experts (NPTE) of the Climate Change Commission


Resolution No. 2021-010
Adopting the Top Ten (10) Induced Risks and Recommended Action Points of the National Panel of Technical Experts (NPTE) of the Climate Change Commission



Commission Resolution No. 2022-002
Adopting the NPTE Performance Evaluation Process


Commission Resolution No. 2023-004
Adopting the Philippine Emissions Pathway Calculator as One of the Tools for Calibrating Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Actions



Commission Resolution No. 2023-005
Adopting the 2015 and 2020 National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report


                     Commission Resolution No. 2024-003
                     Adopting the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and its Priority
                     Sectoral Adaptation Strategies, Recognizing its Development
                     Process Under a Whole-of-Nation Approach, and Creating the
                     NAP Steering Committee Toward its Effective Implementation



                    Commission Resolution No. 2024-004
                    Adopting the Implementation Plan for the Philippines'
                    Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) 2020-2030



                    Commission Resolution No. 2024-006
                    Adopting the Nationally Determined Contribution 
                    Gender Action Plan (NDC GAP) of the Philippines