Green Champion GCF Awards

October 10, 2019 Thursday

October 15 is the deadline for nominations of individuals and organizations to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Green Champions Awards.

The Green Champions GCF Awards will recognize outstanding individuals and organizations that are driving climate transformation, as well as promote initiatives that stand as examples of environmental, social, and business-led commitments to combat climate change. This includes activities that limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions and those that encourage adaptation to climate change impacts.

The categories are as follows:

1. Climate Youth Champion - Individual, aged 25 years below, who is making a difference in responding to the climate challenge.

2. Climate Gender Champion - Individual who has a track record in emphasizing the inclusiveness of women in climate action.

3. Climate Community Champion - Individual or organization that is central to a community’s engagement with climate action.

4. Transformational Country Champion - Individual or organization in a developing country that has made notable progress in pursuing national interaction with the GCF.

5. Climate Entrepreneur - Individual or organization making successes in bringing the private sector into climate finance.

6. Climate Lifetime Achievement Champion - Individual who is a recognized trailblazer in promoting climate action.

If you want to nominate outstanding Filipino individuals and/or organizations in any of the categories, please do so through the GCF Green Champions Awards website via:

Let us support our deserving fellow Filipinos and organizations by making their efforts to drive climate ambition and action known by the global community!