CCC on Zero Emissions Day: Accelerate RE Dev’t, Reduce Carbon Footprint

September 20, 2020 Sunday

MANILA, 21 September 2020 — In celebration of Zero Emissions Day (ZeDay), the Climate Change Commission (CCC) renewed its call to further reduce dependence on fossil fuels and accelerate the development of renewable energy (RE) in the country.
Observed on September 21st of every year, the Zero Emissions Day, which was borne out of an online initiative, aims to put a global 24-hour moratorium on the combustion of fossil fuels. The goal is to engage people to change their actions on a daily basis towards more climate-friendly choices in their personal life.
The celebration’s message, “Giving our planet one day off a year,” is a simple yet profound reminder of how global economies have relied on the burning of fossil fuels for development, at the expense of our environment and planet. The amount of energy consumed by modern society is staggering, as more and more power-hungry devices become part of people’s daily lives. But the bulk of electricity generated globally is still fossil fuel-based, with only a small percentage generated through renewable energy (RE) sources, such as solar, water, and wind.
The CCC noted that electricity sourced from fossil fuel combustion remains the biggest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, which lead to global warming and climate change.
The Philippines, being one of the world’s most vulnerable countries to the impacts of climate change, has endured a number of climate-related disasters, including typhoons, droughts, and floods. But it still heavily relies on fossil fuel imports, which account for almost half of the country’s total primary energy supply.
The CCC expressed its support for the projected tripling of RE-based capacity of the country to an estimated 15,304 MW by the year 2030 under the  National Renewable Energy Plan (NREP). Achieving the targets would be highly dependent on the successful implementation of the NREP as well as the incentive mechanisms in the Renewable Energy Law.
The CCC also shared the following ways that everyone could follow to limit their energy and fuel consumption and reduce their carbon footprint: 

  • Choose to bike, walk, or take public transportation when going to work, doing groceries, or running errands..

  • Prepare no-cook meals or cook meals good for many servings.

  • Turn off lights and gadgets when not in use.

  • Pick up a hobby that does not involve electronics, such as reading a book, painting, running, or being a plantito or plantita!

  • Avoid unnecessary online purchases and food deliveries.

  • Socialize with your family members and spend moments with nature.

In this Zero Emissions Day, may we be more mindful on the negative impacts of fossil fuels on our health, environment, and climate. We urge all sectors of our society to reduce their emissions and embrace a clean energy future.