Young Filipino Innovators in 31st episode of ‘Stories for a Better Normal’ Series

January 18, 2021 Monday

MANILA, 19 January 2021 — Young Filipino inventors, researchers, and entrepreneurs will gather virtually to demonstrate innovative technologies in renewable energy, ecological solid waste management, and climate change adaptation and mitigation on the 31st episode of “Stories for a Better Normal: Pandemic and Climate Change Pathways” with the topic, “Young Innovators for a Sustainable Future.”

The episode, hosted by House Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda, will air on Thursday, 21 January 2021, 10:00 AM via Facebook Live at and

Joining the online conversation are young innovators including Jovie Gil Montajes,  Founder of Light of Hope PH and Climate Reality Leader; Engr. Reijiel Gonzalez, Founder of Waste Cleantech and WAYSTE App, and Climate Reality Leader; Marie Sapuay,  Developer of Trash Panda; Glenn Ongpin, Co-founder and CEO of Cloop; and Wilvie Añora, Co-founder and Strategy head of AtoAni Biopack to discuss and promote their climate-friendly innovations.

In previous episodes, the online series tackled food gardening and saving seeds, permaculture, good nutrition and diet, planting native trees, practical sustainability, narrating risk to resilience stories through books, tree pest and disease management, reviving indigenous textiles and crafts, transforming waste into wages, championing sustainable urban mobility, food waste reduction and management, transforming food supply chain, and responsible gardening.

For this episode, Legarda and esteemed guests will discuss the essential role of innovation, and green and sustainable technologies to address specific environmental and climate change-related issues.

This episode will recognize the young Filipino innovators behind climate-friendly technologies and sustainable entrepreneurial ventures in the areas of renewable energy, and ecological solid waste management, among other climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts.

As an online discussion to promote health, environmental consciousness, and climate-adaptive practices, "Stories for a Better Normal" aims to change the mindset of individuals, families, and communities by demonstrating ways in which a ‘better normal’ can be realized within our communities.

This online discussion is organized in partnership between the Office of Deputy Speaker Legarda and the Climate Change Commission, with support from the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities, The Climate Reality Project-Philippines and Mother Earth Foundation.