CCC: Integrate nature-based solutions to protect biodiversity

May 21, 2021 Friday

MANILA, 22 May 2021 — In observance of the International Day for Biological Diversity today, the Climate Change Commission highlighted nature-based approaches as part of solutions for biodiversity loss and climate change for the Philippines, as one of the megabiodiverse countries in the world.
“Biodiversity is the web of life. Let us not forget that biodiversity feeds and heals, provides us air and water, and is a source of livelihood and recreation. Development without environmental safeguards, and unsustainable land degradation, overgrazing and deforestation, pollution, overfishing, hunting, land-use change, and overuse of freshwater, are pushing ecosystems to the limit," the CCC said.
This year’s theme, “We're part of the solution #ForNature,” serves as a reminder that biodiversity remains the answer to several sustainable development challenges - climate, health issues, food and water security, and sustainable livelihoods.
The CCC also encouraged local government units to integrate biodiversity conservation into the country’s local development agenda through the enforcement of environmental laws, and for individuals to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle and join campaigns that aim to eliminate single-use plastics which are a major source of marine and land pollution and contribute to climate change.
The CCC said, "The solution begins with us, and now. To sustain us and future generations, we need to protect our nature as the capital for development and prosperity for those who will be born beyond our time.