DOST, DOF, CCC, DENR partner for joint session identifying envi-friendly alternatives to plastics

July 28, 2021 Wednesday

MANILA, 29 July 2021 — The Philippine government continues to demonstrate stronger resolve in addressing the country’s growing problem on plastic pollution as government agencies converge to hold a conference to present and identify more sustainable alternatives and solutions to single-use plastics (SUPs).
The event, entitled “Innovations Towards Green Economy: A Joint Conference on Environment-Friendly Alternative Plastics,” is organized by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), together with the Department of Finance (DOF), Climate Change Commission (CCC), and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), and will be held on Friday, 30 July 2021, 9:00 AM via Zoom and Facebook Live.
Resource speakers will present on policies and regulations on SUPs and feature innovative solutions through research and development. DOST Secretary Fortunato T. de la Peña, DOF Secretary and CCC chair-designate Carlos G. Dominguez, and DENR Secretary Roy A. Cimatu will deliver messages. CCC Commissioner Rachel Herrera will present on the circular economy and why this principle and value chain approach is relevant in light of the climate crisis. Industry sector representatives will also be part of the discussion.
With the House of Representatives approval and final reading of House Bill 9147 or the “Single-Use Plastic Products Regulation Act,” the conference builds momentum on further enabling the environment to addressing SUPs. Atty. Dilbert Quetulio, Committee Secretary of the House Committee on Ecology, will discuss the salient provisions of the bill and its goal to accelerate development of sustainable solutions to plastics.
Plastic is a pervasive and commonly-used material in the Philippines due to its durability, affordability, and versatility. However, plastics pose significant risks to public health and the environment, while exacerbating climate change due to the fossil fuels used in its production up to disposal.  This conference aims to support a green and just transition towards a plastic-free and more sustainable Philippines.
To join, participants are encouraged to register through this link: For more details, please visit the Facebook pages of the DOST; DOF at; CCC at, and DENR at for more details.