CCC underscores crucial role of CSOs in Biennial Update Report

May 07, 2024 Tuesday

Civil society organizations provide comments and inputs to the Biennial Update Report, a national report to be submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

MANILA, 7 May 2024The Climate Change Commission (CCC) is further strengthening its collaboration with civil society organizations (CSOs) to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of the Biennial Update Report (BUR) in combating climate change.

The BUR serves as a vital instrument, providing updated insights every two years on the Philippines' climate-related challenges and progress. This comprehensive report outlines our nation's strategies for reducing emissions and mitigating climate impacts, and highlights the support needed from the government to drive climate initiatives forward.

Once finalized, the BUR is submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to rally support for developing nations like the Philippines in implementing effective climate measures.

The CCC underscored the crucial role and participation of civil CSOs  in the report-building process.

“The Biennial Update Report (BUR) is a crucial tool in our national efforts to combat climate change. By engaging stakeholders in its development, we ensure that the report accurately reflects the on-the-ground realities and incorporates a wide range of perspectives. We are grateful for the active participation of our CSO partners in this process," said CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje.

“In making your voices heard whether through feedback or concurrence, you play a vital part in representing your respective sectors, advocacies, or enterprises in our global communications,” Aimee Evangelista, Officer-In-Charge of the Implementation Oversight Division of the CCC, stated.

During the stakeholders consultation, CSOs were briefed on the BUR's background, context, purpose, and the submission timeline for the year. A workshop ensued, allowing participants to provide valuable inputs to further enhance the BUR's effectiveness.
The CCC expressed gratitude to all participants for their contributions to the development of international reports, emphasizing that partnerships with civil society entities ensure that the collective output accurately reflects the Philippines' needs and circumstances in addressing climate change.

For more information about the Philippine BUR, visit the websites of the CCC at and