CCC, Bhutan-based NGO explore collaboration on pro-climate practices

May 09, 2024 Thursday

CCC and Bhutan’s RSPN discuss pro-climate practices and explore potential opportunities for future collaboration during a lunch meeting.

MANILA, 9 May 2024 Sharing insights and experiences, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) and Bhutan’s Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN) engaged in a discussion, exchanging best practices, victories, and challenges in addressing the impacts of climate change and examining potential areas of collaboration.

During a meeting with RSPN, the CCC delegation, led by Deputy Executive Director Rommel Antonio O. Cuenca, delved into several key aspects of the nation’s climate change strategy. These include mainstreaming frameworks such as the National Framework Strategy on Climate Change, the National Climate Change Action Plan, and the development of the National Adaptation Plan.

He outlined the Philippine government’s process for accessing the Green Climate Fund, establishing the People’s Survival Fund, and building collaborative relationships with all stakeholders across all sectors.

Furthermore, Cuenca conveyed the country’s ongoing challenges in promoting climate resilience, emphasizing the difficulties in laymanizing and communicating climate change to the general public and improving compliance with Local Climate Change Action Plans, particularly in remote areas of the Philippine archipelago.

“Climate change affects the lives, livelihoods, and future of many Filipinos. Despite contributing only a small percent to the global emissions, the Philippines suffers much devastation from climate change effects. Hence, there is a need for us to take comprehensive action to address climate change, with a focus on adaptation,” stressed Cuenca.

Meanwhile, Mr. Dasho Phub Dorji, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the RSPN, shared practical insights and experiences in pushing for climate mitigation and adaptation, sustainable development, and ecological education in Bhutan.
The Kingdom of Bhutan is currently the only country in the world that is carbon negative — a distinction reserved for countries capable of removing more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than they emit.

“Despite this achievement, we still face many challenges, especially in managing climate-induced disasters like flooding and in stopping illegal human activities that exacerbate climate change such as deforestation,” Dorji said.

RSPN, a non-government organization, aims to raise awareness of climate change among Bhutanese people through education, advocacy and public participation in conservation efforts.

Through the continued dedication, both the CCC and RSPN seek to innovate strategies to mitigate climate change impacts through knowledge and practices sharing.

“Growing partnerships through cooperation continues to be needed to allow developing nations to learn and adapt to climate change and its impacts. We need to continue working together to ensure that we are empowered to adapt to and mitigate climate change impacts and safeguard the precious balance in our planet, ” said Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje.

The CCC remains resolute in its commitment to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 13 - Climate Action and SDG 17 -  Partnerships for Sustainable Development. The Commission continues to forge effective partnerships to advance the country’s progress toward achieving its climate goals and agendas.

For more information on the CCC’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit and