July 22, 2024 Monday
The Climate Change Commission (CCC) underscored the importance of nature-based solutions (NbS) in disaster risk prevention, reduction and management to prepare for extreme weather events brought by climate change and build a climate-resilient country.
The CCC believes in the critical role of NbS and ridge to reef approach in managing climate risks and adapting to disasters. These solutions strengthen the livelihood of coastal communities, ensure food security, and enhance the protection for vulnerable communities, leading to a more sustainable and resilient future for the next generations.
These solutions are vital to address ecological challenges such as climate change, disasters, food security, and climate resiliency. The solutions are anchored on the Philippine National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and draft National Determined Contribution Implementation Plan (NDCIP), aligned with the guidelines set by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Key aspects of NbS and ridge to reef approach include protecting and restoring coral reefs, protecting peatlands, and growing and restoring forests. These actions sustainably manage and restore ecosystems that support in addressing planetary concerns.
Secretary Robert E.A. Borje, Vice Chairperson and Executive Director of the CCC, explained that “Nature-based solutions are one of the easiest ways to maximize and utilize the roles of our forests, mangroves, and other natural resources in protecting and sustaining our communities. This step creates long-term benefits for future generations and addresses the urgent concerns of the planet.”
Integrating these solutions helps our natural resources function more effectively in critical ways. Forests and peatlands serve as carbon sinks, storing carbon dioxide, reducing the average global temperature, and lessening the emissions of greenhouse gasses. Meanwhile, coral reefs play a vital role in protecting coastal communities by reducing the height and energy of waves during tropical cyclones.
The CCC is committed to the pursuit of different strategies to address disaster risk prevention, reduction and management, by a variety of approaches such as nature-based solutions and ridge to reef approach aimed to enhance resilience and preparedness of the country.
For more information on the CCC’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit www.climate.gov.ph and www.facebook.com/CCCPhl.