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The Philippines and Germany endeavor to enhance climate action through the TRANSCEND project. MANILA, 27 March 2024 – The Climate Change Commission (CCC), in partnership with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH or German Development Cooperation, announced the soft launch of the Transformative Actions for Climate and Ecological Protection and Development (TRANSCEND) Project. It is a foreign-assisted project aimed at enhancing the country's capacity to implement its climate change and biodiversity policies. Amounting to EUR 36.8 Million, TRANSCEND ensures the transparent, integrated, and accountable implementation of climate projects across all levels of society in the Philippines, soliciting and mediating coordination between government agencies, civil society organizations, and the private sector. “Climate change poses many challenges and has differentiated impacts on sectors and disproportionate effects on others. Working with Germany on the TRANSCEND project, we can focus on maximizing and optimizing collaboration and cooperation  between and among government agencies, civil society organizations, and the private sector in pushing for a climate smart and climate resilient Philippines. This is the call of our time: a truly whole of society and whole of world approach to address climate change and its impacts,” said CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje during his welcome remarks. Outlined to support the Philippines in achieving its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and Nationally Distributed Contributions Implementation Plan (NDCIP), TRANSCEND is calibrated to work and assist in key climate intervention areas as identified in the two framework documents. This includes the protection, conservation and rehabilitation of biodiversity and natural carbon sinks, securing of investments to leverage private sector funds and jumpstart transition to a low-carbon economy and create green jobs,  synergizing of adaptation and mitigation strategies for effective carbon reduction, avoidance and sequestration of carbon emissions, and establishing multi-stakeholder decision support systems at all levels of government to enhance transparency and accelerate transformative evidence-based policies. “This project allows us to coherently synergize our efforts towards a low-carbon and biodiversity friendly future through improved coordination, fortified partnerships, and maximum impact of our resources. TRANSCEND will catalyze positive change, promoting ‘integrated, transparent, and accountable’ efforts to safeguard the environment for present and future generations,” said Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Secretary Ma. Antonia Yulo-Loyzaga as represented by Assistant Secretary Noralene Uy. According to GIZ’s indicative project timeline, TRANSCEND is set to have its hard launch in August this year, following the signing of the project’s Implementation Agreement. The Project holds much significance to both the Philippine and German governments as it marks another chapter of the Philippine-German diplomatic relationship, since its inception 70 years ago. “Germany and the Philippines are partners who share the same values and work hand in hand to strengthen the rule base of the national order in Europe, in Southeast Asia, and everywhere in the world where it is in danger. We have a lot in common and we are reliable partners, and today’s [soft] launching event is again another milestone in our partnership,” said H.E. Dr. Andreas Pfaffernoschke, German Ambassador to the Philippines. Borje added, “It’s important that the Philippine government continues to work and collaborate with partners, particularly with Germany. While the work ahead of us is still long and still requires a lot of hard work, there is a sense of hope and there is a sense of renewal. And pondered upon, it’s going to power the partnership that we currently have from 70 years to beyond.” The CCC continues to actively seek effective and robust local and international partnerships as part of its commitment to enhance the country’s capacity to mitigate and adapt to the changing climate and to usher in a new era of climate resiliency in the Philippines. The TRANSCEND project is deeply aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 15 (Life on Land), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) by focusing on enhancing climate resilience, biodiversity conservation, and fostering partnerships for effective implementation. For more information on the CCC’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit and
March 27, 2024 Wednesday
The Climate Change Commission (CCC) highlights the remarkable women members of its National Panel of Technical Experts (NPTE), which serves as the CCC's scientific backbone, providing crucial policy recommendations and technical guidance that have shaped the Commission's strategies over the years. Drawing from their collective knowledge and expertise in diverse fields, including geography, hazards studies, engineering and economics, the women of the NPTE advanced the understanding of climate change and significantly contributed to formulating policies for climate resilience and sustainable development. Comprising 10 out of 16 members, these women have played a vital role in steering the CCC towards creating evidence- and science-based policies, making them leaders of the Commission's climate initiatives. Meet the Women Members of the NPTE: Dr. Doracie B. Zoleta-Nantes, NPTE Chairperson, specialist in geography and hazards studies; and President of Southern Luzon State University in Lucban, Quezon Province. Dr. Emma E.Porio, NPTE Co-Chairperson, expert in climate and disaster vulnerability and gender assessment; Professor Emeritus at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, School of Social Sciences of the Ateneo de Manila University; and leader of "Coastal Cities at Risk: Investing in Climate and Disaster Resilience in the Philippines (CCARPH)" project. Dr. Susan P. Mercado, NPTE Co-Chairperson, international public health and food security expert; former Undersecretary of the Department of Health; and currently the Director of the Food Systems and Resiliency Program at the Hawaii Public Health Institute, as well as Special Envoy of the President for Global Health Initiatives. Dr. Jihan H. Adil, environmental planning and engineering expert, specializing in wastewater and climate change; currently the National President of the Society of Environmental Engineers; and Head of the Department of Environmental Engineering, Western Mindanao State University. Dr. Zenaida L. Andrade, Chemical Engineer and Associate Professor, Program Coordinator of the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science at Eastern Visayas State University in Tacloban City. Dr. Gay D. Defiesta, specialist in natural resource and agricultural economics; and  Professor at the University of the Philippines Visayas. Dr. Patricia Ann J. Sanchez, licensed agricultural engineer specializing in disaster risk management and water resource assessment; currently serving as Associate Professor and Chair of the Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Water (ISCW) at the University of the Philippines Los Baños. Engr. Merriam M. Santillan, geodetic engineer and Dean of the College of Engineering and Geosciences at Caraga State University in Butuan City. Dr. Encarnacion Emilia S. Yap, post-harvest fisheries technology specialist; and Dean of the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of the Philippines Visayas. Dr. Maria Angela G. Zafra, expert in inclusive business models, sustainable finance, and gender inclusivity, serving as an adjunct faculty at the School of Business and Governance, Ateneo de Davao University; and executive director of the Strategia Development Research Institute. This diverse representation sends a strong message concerning gender equality in the field of science. With women forming a significant majority in the NPTE, it confronts the notion of science being predominantly male-driven, affirming that women play crucial roles as catalysts for innovation and progress. The CCC celebrates the achievements of these women experts while recognizing the need for continued efforts to promote gender equality in the field of science. As CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje stated, "We must work to dismantle barriers and create an environment where girls and women can thrive in science. Their participation and leadership is vital for building a more climate-resilient and sustainable future." The CCC recognizes the potential of women in science and urges the provision of the necessary support and encouragement for the next generation of female scientists. May the story of the NPTE stand as an inspiration for young girls to pursue their passion for science. Let us pave the way for a future where science serves as a powerful tool for positive change, driven by the brilliance and leadership of women. For more information about the CCC’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit the website of the CCC at and
March 26, 2024 Tuesday
MANILA, 25 March 2024 — The Climate Change Commission (CCC), Office of Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda, and the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) seek to bolster women’s leadership in climate change and disaster resilience through Sustainable Leadership Learning for Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction (SLL-CDRR). Through the collaboration of CCC, Office of Senator Legarda and AIM, scholarships will be provided through the Executive Masters in Disaster Risk and Crisis Management (EMDRCM) program to 18 individuals, with at least half of the slots allotted for women. Recognizing the indispensable role of women in environmental stewardship and community resilience, the SLL-CDRR program promotes an inclusive approach to addressing climate challenges. The impact of disasters is felt disproportionately, with women bearing most of their brunt. For instance, Typhoon Odette in 2021 has affected approximately 4 million women and girls of reproductive age in 13 provinces, the United Nations Population Fund Philippines[1] estimates. Among them, an estimated 162,000 are pregnant, with 24,000 likely to experience complications. Furthermore, an estimated 470,000 women in affected areas lacked access to family planning information and services, exacerbating existing challenges such as gender-based violence. “Women in fragile areas often bear the brunt of climate change impacts. Their unique perspectives and experiences are indispensable in addressing these dimensions and ensuring equitable solutions,” Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda emphasized. While prioritizing women, the program welcomes a diverse range of qualified individuals, including: National government personnel focused on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (CCAM) and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) DRRM officers in local government units Leaders from indigenous groups Sustainability and inclusivity champions ”The SLL-CDRR program is a strategic investment in human capital, enabling the shift from fragility to agility and changing the climate change narrative from victim to victor. Through this, women, in particular, will no longer be seen as vulnerable; instead, they will be part of the story, actively contributing to the solutions to climate change,” said CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje. The SLL-CDRR Program will enable recipients to pursue specialization in CCAM and DRRM, aligning their scholastic outputs with the policy priorities of the CCC, including the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) and the draft National Adaptation Plan (NAP). Successful candidates will be awarded a full scholarship covering program and tuition fees, with additional support for participation in required in-person campus activities. “With each scholar receiving this scholarship, we believe very firmly, we’re taking one step closer to the solution we’re seeking in terms of a future defined by resilience, sustainability, and resolve,” said Professor Jikyeong Kang, AIM President. The CCC, Senator Loren Legarda, and AIM expressed their commitment to the success of the SLL-CDRR Program and its potential to empower a new generation of leaders equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to tackle disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, and community resilience.   [1] UNFPA Philippines calls for urgent donations for women and young girls affected by Typhoon Odette (Rai)
March 25, 2024 Monday
Since time immemorial, forests have been crucial for humanity’s survival and progress. They provide much of the oxygen needed for biological functions and offer fundamental resources for thriving, including food, clothing and shelter. However, decades of unsustainable activities in the name of progress have degraded many forests worldwide. The World Research Institute’s global forest review highlights a loss of approximately 4.1 million hectares (Mha) of forests in 2022, resulting in 2.7 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions. To put this into perspective, the lost forests could have absorbed and stored 2.7 billion tons of carbon dioxide which is equivalent to India’s annual emissions. Furthermore, according to the Global Forest Watch's latest data, a total of 459 million hectares of tree cover were lost globally from 2001 to 2022, resulting in a 12% decrease, which led  to the emission of 195 billion tons of C02. The primary causes identified are urbanization and commodity-driven deforestation, indicating that much of the forest loss was deliberate and not accidental. In the Philippines, a total of 1.42 million hectares of tree cover was lost from 2001 to 2022, representing a 7.6% decrease in our total tree cover of approximately 18.684 million hectares. This loss contributed to 848 metric tons of C02 emissions. Like most of the forests globally, a huge chunk of the forests we lost in the country is due to urbanization and commodity-driven deforestation. As of 2022 Philippine Forestry Statistics, it is estimated that the country has a total forest cover of 7.22 million hectares or 24.07% of the country’s land mass, which is “way below” the 17.8 million hectares worth of forest cover we had back in 1934. This showcases just how much of our forest we have lost over the years, and how serious of a threat deforestation is to the country. More than losing our capacity to absorb carbon and produce fresh air, deforestation presents other climate concerns as well such as loss of biodiversity. The Philippines is one of the 18 mega-biodiverse countries in the world, ranked third in marine biodiversity and host to over 25,000 endemic species. It is home to plants and animals representing 70% to 80% of the world's biodiversity, most of which live in our forests. However, deforestation disrupts habitats, leading to species displacement and endangerment. Deforestation also affects the water cycle, contributing to soil erosion, flooding and drought. When trees get cut down in preparation for clearing, they die along with their ability to absorb water through their roots, therefore affecting the water cycle in the soil of the surrounding areas. As a result, surrounding soil can no longer bear the weight of water when rain comes nor will there be any trees to release moisture and fresh air during dry seasons. Recognizing the importance of our forests to our well-being, the Philippines has committed to addressing the deforestation issue through robust policy initiatives, including the establishment of the Philippine Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation strategy (REDD Plus). Identified in it are strategies to protect the climate through Philippine forest and biodiversity conservation and protection. The REDD Plus strategy has become an invaluable part of the 2011-2016 Philippine Development Plan and the 2011 - 2028 National Climate Change Action Plan. More recently, the government has marked ecosystems and biodiversity as a priority sector in the 2011-2028 National Climate Change Action Plan, identifying the restoration of forest and deforested areas as a key strategy in addressing climate change. Furthermore, in the Nationally Distributed Contribution itself, increasing forest cover to improve our carbon sink capacity and reduce GHG emissions was emphasized. These base documents, as well as all the activities aimed at forest protection and restoration, encapsulate our aspirations and efforts to curb deforestation in the country. However, the government can only do so much. Beyond policies and their implementation, what our forest needs most is action from the people themselves. While the government plays a crucial role in coming up with mechanisms to restore and protect our forests, it is ultimately our responsibility as individuals, communities, and society to collectively act for the improvement and conservation of our forests. Which brings us to the question, what can we do for our forests? For starters, we can reduce our use of paper. According to Ribble Packaging,  a 45-foot tree with a diameter of 8 inches produces around 10,000 sheets of paper. Business Waste, a leading waste management company in the United Kingdom, says that the world produces more than 414 million metric tonnes of paper annually. This means that around 4 billion individual trees are being cut down every year to produce our supply of paper. Thus, by simply reducing our paper use, we are saving trees from being cut down. Planting more trees is another excellent initiative. With a global population currently reaching 7 billion, if each capable individual were to plant and nurture their own tree, it could result in a significant number of new trees, which are crucial in absorbing carbon dioxide and generating fresh air, making it beneficial for both humanity and our planet. Another way is to keep pollution away from our forests. Pollution could have a serious impact on both forest trees and the diverse animal and plant species that are living in them. Keeping our waste, may it be solid or liquid, is one good way to protect our forests. Anyone, regardless of age and status, can contribute to this cause through sustainable consumption practices, supporting eco-friendly projects, participating in reforestation activities, and advocating for pro-climate policies. By raising awareness, educating others, and fostering a culture of love for forests, we can combat deforestation and preserve our planet’s biodiversity. Addressing deforestation requires proactive measures from all stakeholders, from policy makers to individuals. By collectively taking action, we can mitigate the impacts of deforestation and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.
March 21, 2024 Thursday
21 March 2024, Manila, Philippines. The Philippines underscored that National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) are critical enablers to enhance adaptation action and support, emphasizing further the need to strengthen collaboration and accelerate delivery of support for developing nations’ adaptation planning and implementation.  Following its 25th meeting, the Adaptation Committee of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) brought together countries and stakeholders in the Adaptation Forum 2024 to address opportunities for action and collaboration across the NAP process, promoting solutions towards achieving the global goal on adaptation.  Secretary Robert E.A. Borje of the Philippines’ Climate Change Commission, as a member of the Adaptation Committee, served as facilitator and rapporteur on the sessions regarding impact, vulnerability and risk assessment for NAPs, and adaptation planning.  Hearing from country representatives and stakeholders, Borjerecognized the urgent need for accelerated support in terms of finance, capacity, and technology, and emphasized enhanced collaboration and cooperation to enable developing countries and particularly vulnerable nations to formulate and implement their NAPs.  “National Adaptation Plans are critical baselines for individual and collective efforts of Parties. Towards the achievement of the global goal on adaptation and the new global climate resilience objectives, we must drive developing nations towards NAP formulation and implementation. In this case, support for the whole NAP process must be provided, with least to no conditionalities, and in the most urgent manner,” Borje said.  The NAP process includes risk assessment, planning and development, implementation, and monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning.  According to the NAP Central, 53 developing countries have submitted their NAPs, which accounts for only 25 percent of all developing country Parties under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.  Currently, the Philippines is in the course of finalizing its first NAP, developed based on a whole-of-nation and whole-of-society approach, in collaboration with bilateral partners, government agencies and institutions, civil society and non-government organizations, private sector, and other stakeholders.  Primary challenges in NAP formulation are data availability and accessibility, data quality and quantity, and local capacity to analyze these towards determination of national priorities and strategies.  “We must make data and information more available and accessible, and ensure that developing nations are provided with the capacity to analyze data to determine fit-for-purpose adaptation measures. Support must be provided to enable developing nations to formulate NAPs with least domestic budget and resource implication as possible,” Borje said. Developed states must exert more and ramp up cooperation with and assistance for developing states to address key data challenges. In this regard, Annex 1 Parties must ensure that Means of Implementation are provided urgently.” he added.  While there are support windows such as through the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Adaptation Fund, and UN4NAPs, among others, participants stated that accessing these remains a challenge due to stringent procedures.  Consistent with the directives of President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr., the Philippines actively participates in international climate change negotiation process, and has been calling for simplified and streamlined processes in accessing means of implementation and support, and need to further strengthen collaboration, such as through south-south, north-south, and triangular cooperation for both climate change adaptation and mitigation.   Under the leadership of the President, and consistent with the Philippine Development Plan, the Climate Change Commission (CCC), in coordination with relevant agencies and stakeholders,is finalizing the Philippines’ first NAP, outlining country’s priorities and strategies towards national climate resilience.  The Adaptation Forum 2024 was held in Bonn, Germany. This will be followed by the NAP Expo in Dhaka, Bangladesh where a series of knowledge-sharing activities and experts training on adaptation planning and implementation will take place.
March 21, 2024 Thursday
17 March 2024, Bonn, Germany. Representing developing nations, the Philippines underscored the importance of collaboration, planning, financing, and strategic communication to enhance climate change adaptation action and support.  The Adaptation Committee of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held its 25th meeting to discuss adaptation and support in line with the global stocktake and the new global goal on adaptation framework.  Secretary Robert E.A. Borje of the Philippines' Climate Change Commission (CCC), serving as Committee member representing non-Annex I countries, actively participated in the discussion, sharing first-hand experiences of developing nations in climate change adaptation.  Borje pointed out the need for close collaboration among all adaptation actors at global, subnational, and national levels, ensuring alignment and coherence in adaptation work.  With only 51 National Adaptation Plan (NAP) submissions by developing countries as of the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference (COP28), increased support for adaptation planning and implementation is a critical priority. “From adaptation planning to implementation, adequate means of implementation and support (MOIs) must be available and accessible for developing nations. To achieve this, strengthening collaboration among countries and stakeholders is crucial, towards  alignment and coherence in adaptation actions, and immediate delivery of MOIs by the developed world,” Borje said.  He added that the need to double adaptation finance from 2019 levels and the gaps in adaptation financing must be immediately addressed to support developing nations’ actions towards global climate resilience.  The Adaptation Gap Report 2023 of the UN Environment Programme estimated that investments of USD 387 billion are needed to close the gap on adaptation financing.  “With COP29 tagged as ‘Finance COP,’ we must take this opportunity to push for  increased adaptation financing to close these gaps and fully support formulation and implementation of NAPs,” Borje added.  For more holistic and inclusive adaptation action, Borje raised the importance of strategic communications in the Adaptation Committee’s approach.  “We must transition from communication strategy to strategic communications to address the need for urgent and transformative adaptation. We need to enhance our ways in communicating climate change and climate change adaptation in a way that would result in more holistic and inclusive climate action on the ground,” Borje said.  Anchored on the recently adopted outcomes of the first global stocktake, and the conclusion of the Glasgow-Sharm el-Sheikh Work Programme on the Global Goal on Adaptation, the UNFCCC constituted body now charts paths to enhance climate action and support, with a focus on particularly vulnerable and developing nations.  Immediate adaptation strategies include strengthening collaboration with UN and UNFCCC bodies, countries, and other stakeholders; providing support in NAP formulation and implementation; offering technical assistance in adaptation reporting, and monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning (MEAL); and advancing strategic communications on adaptation.  The 25th meeting of the Adaptation Committee was held at the UN Campus in Bonn, Germany. Subsequent events include the 2024 Adaptation Forum from 18 to 19 March in Bonn, Germany, and the NAP Expo on 22 to 23 April in Dhaka, Bangladesh.  The Adaptation Committee is a constituted body under the UNFCCC tasked to provide guidance to the work of countries on climate change adaptation and resilience. The Philippines, through CCC Secretary Borje, serves as a member of the Adaptation Committee, following nomination and election by developing countries, and appointment in COP28 in Dubai, UAE. This is the first time a Filipino national sits on the Adaptation Committee in the latter’s 14-year history. As the lead agency on climate change, the CCC continues to further deepen and broaden Philippine engagement in the UNFCCC and other relevant and related fora to advance core national and developing world interests, consistent with the guidance of President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr.  Under the Marcos Administration, advancing climate resilience of the Philippines through climate change adaptation and mitigation remains a priority.  
March 17, 2024 Sunday
MANILA, 15 March 2024 – The Climate Change Commission urged the public to take preventive measures against urban and forest fires exacerbated by the ongoing El Niño. According to the Bureau of Fire Protection, the combination of heat and the absence of moisture effectively dries up most materials, making them more vulnerable to sparking widespread fires that cause significant losses to lives and livelihoods. As of March 5, 2024, a total of 3,200 fire incidents were recorded nationwide, marking a 26% increase compared to approximately 2,539 occurrences during the same period last year, according to BFP Director Louie Puracan. He also shared that the 2024 fires have already claimed 70 lives —  representing a 37.25% rise from the 51 lives lost in fires that occurred in 2023 around the same quarter. Similarly, this year’s fires have resulted in an estimated P2.33 billion loss and damage to property, indicating a 59.6% increase compared to the P1.46 billion during the same period last year. The BFP tagged El Niño as a significant contributor to the fires, especially wildfires and forest fires, citing the current wildfires unfolding in the Cordillera Region as an example. “Isa pa ring challenge natin ngayon ay yung El Niño. Nakikita po natin sa news, na particularly sa Cordillera area, we have recorded 72 fire incidents na,” said Puracan. Meanwhile, Department of Interior and Local Government Secretary Benhur Abalos tracked some forest fires to root from embers left out by campers in the wild. Given this, he encouraged the masses to be responsible and ensure that the fires they start during camping be securely put-out. “Let’s be responsible for our actions kase minsan, yung mga naiwan na pinagsawaan nilang apoy dun nagsisimulang lumiliyab at ang daming mga kahoy ngayon ang talagang tuyo. Ang problema natin sa bushfire, ang hirap patayin nito, lalo’t gubat ang sinusunog niya,” Abalos said. The CCC emphasized the importance of preemptive measures against fires during the intensified dry season. The Commission shares methods to prevent fires during this period, rallying the Filipino people to fireproof their properties, practice safe and responsible cooking at all times, and prepare for fire emergencies. Recognizing the risks associated with climate-induced phenomena like El Niño, the CCC, in partnership with other national government agencies, has crafted policies and strategies that prepare the nation for climate-related impacts and disasters. These strategies are outlined in the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) and the National Climate Risk Management Framework (NCRMF). Similarly, the draft National Adaptation Plan (NAP) serves as a blueprint for initiatives aimed at enhancing resilience at both sectoral and community levels against the impacts of climate change. It prioritizes eight sectors requiring urgent interventions: agriculture, fisheries, and food security; water resources; health; ecosystems and biodiversity; cultural heritage, population displacement, and migration; land use and human settlements; livelihood and industries; energy, transport, and communication. “Implementing the strategies and recommendations outlined in these policies and frameworks strengthens our adaptive capacity to face climate risks such as El Niño, ultimately leading to more climate-resilient communities,” said CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje. PAGASA has issued a warning about the onset of a severe El Niño event this month, with most global climate models projecting its persistence from March to May. In response to this forecast and in celebration of the 2024 National Fire Prevention Month with the theme “Sa Pag-iwas sa Sunog, Hindi ka Nag-iisa,” the CCC stands with the BFP in reminding everyone to undertake proactive measures to mitigate the effects of El Niño in their households and communities.
March 15, 2024 Friday
15 March 2024, Bonn, Germany. The Philippines formally joined the Adaptation Committee of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for the first time, paving the way for deeper engagement to advance adaptation interests for developing countries. The Philippines’ Climate Change Commission Secretary Robert E.A. Borje is participating in the meeting of the Adaptation Committee, following his appointment during the 28th Sessions of the Conference of Parties (COP28).  This is the first time a Filipino national was appointed to the Adaptation Committee in the body’s 14-year history since being established in 2010 through the COP16 Cancun Agreement. “Much needs to be done for at-risk developing countries, including the Philippines. Our active involvement in the multilateral process, such as through the UNFCCC’s Adaptation Committee, is crucial to ensure that advancements in the global climate agenda particularly on adaptation aligns with national circumstances, and supports addressing the needs and priorities of nations most affected by climate change,” Borje said. The Adaptation Committee convened its first meeting this year after the COP28 adoption of the following milestone decisions: outcomes of the first global stocktake, and the global goal on adaptation framework. With adaptation gaps at global-level recognized, the Adaptation Committee will now focus on identifying recommendations anchored on the objectives of the Global Goal on Adaptation Framework: to enhance adaptation action and support, and reduce adverse impacts and risks and vulnerabilities associated with climate change. Membership in the Adaptation Committee, as well as participation in these meetings are aligned with President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr.’s guidance for the Philippines to advance core Philippine interests in transformative climate action and to actively engage in multilateral fora and events, as part of the country’s commitment to address climate change.   President Marcos’ guidance reflects climate change as a priority of the Philippine government, with the meetings seen as a means to encourage countries to further accelerate climate action, and discuss resourcing to support actions by developing nations. Borje served as the Philippines’ lead negotiator for global stocktake and transparency workstreams in COP28, and was appointed member of the Adaptation Committee to represent developing countries at the same conference. The Committee comprises 16 members: 2 each from the 5 United Nations regional groups, 1 from a least developed country Party, 2 from Annex 1 Parties, and 2 from Parties not included in Annex 1. The Adaptation Committee is a constituted body under the UNFCCC tasked to provide guidance to the work of countries on climate change adaptation and resilience. The 25th meeting of the Adaptation Committee is being held at the UN Campus, Bonn, Germany. This will be followed by the 2024 Adaptation Forum from 18 to 19 March in Bonn, Germany, and the NAP Expo in April in Dhaka, Bangladesh
March 15, 2024 Friday
MANILA, 4 March 2024 — In a concerted effort to strengthen the systematic incorporation of climate considerations within the government's budget, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) recently convened National Government Instrumentalities (NGIs) for the Annual Climate Change Expenditure Tagging (CCET) Orientation.  Aligned with the National Budget Call for FY2025, this year's CCET Orientation provided up-to-date information on NGIs’ climate budget programming, supporting President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.'s vision for sustainable development and climate resilience. The orientation was held in four batches, catering to budget officers, planning officers, and climate change focals of National Government Agencies (NGAs), agency members of the Program Convergence Budgeting (PCB) Risk Resiliency Program (RRP), State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), and Government Owned- or Controlled-Corporations (GOCCs).  Highlighting the significance of their roles, CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje emphasized, “As stewards of public funds, your roles extend beyond routine budgeting and programming. You help build the architecture of our nation’s climate resilience. Your meticulous planning, programming, and budgeting activities are the building blocks that contribute to the success of CCET and our nation’s adaptation and mitigation strategies.” “We are reminded of our duty as public servants to be at the forefront of the national government’s transformative climate agenda”, DBM Undersecretary Joselito R. Basilio added. In December 2023, the DBM issued National Budget Memorandum No. 149 to guide agencies in coordinating their resources toward achieving banner government programs such as climate change and risk resiliency. “Let us remember that the delivery of climate actions within our respective mandates is a necessity”, said CCC Commissioner Albert P. Dela Cruz Sr.  The event was attended by 356 NGIs to enhance their capacity to tag, identify, and advance public resources for climate action.  The orientation marks the beginning of the CCET Quality Assurance and Review (QAR) approval process where the CCC reviews the climate-related programs identified by NGIs.  Pursuant to the CCC Memorandum Circular 2024-01, NGIs are expected to submit their climate budget proposals to CCC from 13 March 2024 until 12 April 2024 for issuance of an approval letter, as part of the DBM’s requirement for climate budget tagging.  In the 2024 National Budget Call, 260 out of 364 NGAs participated in the CCET process, making a significant advancement from the previous fiscal year, where 210 out of 326 NGAs participated in CCET. The CCET serves as the government’s tool to track, monitor, and report public climate expenditures within its annual appropriations.  For more information about the CCET, visit and
March 04, 2024 Monday
MANILA, Philippines | 23 February 2024 – The Climate Change Commission (CCC) urges the Filipino people to take proactive measures following the forecast of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration’s (PAGASA) of an increased El Niño activity. PAGASA announced the possibility of an increase in the number of provinces to be affected by the El Niño phenomenon. From 41 provinces that experienced adverse effects in January, the number is projected to reach 51 by the end of this month.  According to PAGASA, Metro Manila and 23 other provinces may experience drought by the end of the month, according to state meteorologists. These provinces are Abra, Apayao, Aurora, Bataan, Benguet, Cagayan, Cavite, Ifugao, Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, Isabela, Kalinga, La Union, Mountain Province, Negros Occidental, Nueva Ecija, Nueva Vizcaya, Occidental Mindoro, Palawan, Pangasinan, Quirino, Rizal and Zambales. El Niño refers to a periodic weather event characterized by a warming of the ocean surface or above-average sea surface temperatures in the eastern equatorial Pacific. It is associated with droughts, heat waves, heavy rainfall and other extreme weather events. While its effects are global, El Niño hits Asian countries the hardest. The Philippines, in particular, is currently experiencing extreme drought, one of the slow-onset effects of climate change. Drought is characterized by a decrease of 21 to 60 percent in rain occurrences for five consecutive months, or below normal rainfall conditions for three consecutive months. These conditions adversely affect climate-sensitive sectors, including agriculture, energy, water, health and public safety, leading to food, energy and water insecurity. “The recurrence of the El Niño phenomenon calls for the implementation of both short and long-term solutions to ensure food, water and energy security, safeguard livelihoods, and improve the country's disaster and climate resilience," said President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. in signing the Executive Order No. 53 or the reactivation and reconstitution of Task Force El Niño. The CCC, in cooperation with other national government agencies, has developed policies and strategies that will prepare the nation for climate change impacts and disasters. These include: The National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP), which outlines strategies for building resilience to climate change impacts, including El Niño. It calls for improved water resource management, early warning systems, and climate-smart agriculture practices. The Local Climate Change Action Plans (LCCAPs). Developed by local governments, the LCCAPs provide context-specific adaptation measures tailored to local vulnerabilities. Integrating El Niño preparedness into LCCAPs ensures targeted and effective action. The National Framework Strategy on Climate Change (NFSCC), which guides the country's long-term response to climate change. It underscores the importance of mainstreaming climate considerations into all development plans, including disaster risk reduction and management. The National Climate Risk Management Framework (NCRMF), which outlines a systematic approach to managing climate risks, including those associated with El Niño. Implementing its recommendations strengthens preparedness and response capacity. “Implementing the strategies and recommendations outlined in these policies and frameworks strengthens our adaptive capacity to face climate risks such as El Niño, ultimately leading to more climate-resilient communities,” said CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje. PAGASA has warned of a strong El Niño activity this month, while most global climate models foresee the phenomenon to persist from March to May. In light of this forecast, the CCC encourages everyone to take the necessary steps to minimize the negative impacts of El Niño in their homes and communities. What to do before and during El Niño These El Niño preparedness tips encompass preparing for the rising temperature, water shortages, fire prevention and safety, and typhoons and other extreme weather events.  Withstanding Rising Temperatures Insulate the home. Proper insulation is crucial to keep your home cool without depending on energy-consuming air conditioning. Check roofs, walls and windows to ensure they are insulated, and consider adding insulation to prevent heat from entering the home. Employ natural cooling methods. Take advantage of natural cooling methods that are both sustainable and culturally significant. Place plants strategically in the home to reduce heat absorption, provide shade and improve air quality.  Stay hydrated. Extreme heat requires extra attention to staying hydrated. Drink plenty of water, and prepare homemade electrolyte solutions using salt, citrus fruits and other easily accessible ingredients to replenish essential minerals and electrolytes that you lose when you perspire. Addressing Water Shortages Harvest rainwater. Collect and store rainwater by installing a rainwater harvesting system. This can provide water for non-potable uses such as cleaning, flushing the toilet and watering the plants. Rain barrels, gutters and filters can collect and store rainwater effectively. Make sure to seal the container of collected rainwater to prevent it from becoming a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Adopt water-saving techniques. These include reusing gray water from washing machines and showers, using a bucket instead of a hose when washing vehicles, and fixing plumbing leaks promptly.  Find alternative water sources. Find out if there are alternative water sources in your area, such as community wells or springs. Work collectively to ensure they remain sustainable while maintaining cleanliness. Preventing Fires Fireproof your property. Choose fire-resistant landscaping techniques and plants to avoid the risk of wildfires. Avoid flammable materials such as lightweight wood or highly combustible plants. Instead, choose native plants that thrive in the local climate and soil conditions to also reduce the risk of them becoming invasive.  Practice safe cooking techniques. Avoid grilling or cooking outdoors on windy days and don’t leave cooking unattended. Check smoke detectors to ensure they are functioning properly, and keep fire extinguishers readily available. Prepare for emergencies. Create a fire safety plan and apprise all family members of evacuation routes and meeting points. Make sure you have grab-and-go-bags that contain flashlights, batteries, first aid supplies, lightweight blankets, solar chargers and other essentials.  Bracing for Typhoons Reinforce your home. Protect your home from strong winds and rain and other extreme weather conditions by securing roofs, reinforcing windows with protective shutters, and making sure that doors are sturdy.  Create natural barriers. Plant trees around your property to provide shade and contribute to sustainability. Trees also can also help protect you against strong winds during typhoons. Work with your community to organize tree-planting activities for a stronger, collective impact. Craft emergency kits. Prepare a comprehensive emergency kit that contains essentials that are often overlooked, such as solar chargers and waterproof document protectors, to help you stay connected and informed during and after emergencies. Also pack non-perishable food, water, medication and raincoats. Preparing for and coping with El Niño requires community collaboration. The Climate Change Commission encourages individuals to form neighborhood watch groups to monitor and address El Niño-related challenges together. “Collaborative efforts can help identify solutions for common concerns and develop a stronger sense of resilience within your community,” Borje said. For more information about the CCC’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit the website of the CCC at and
February 23, 2024 Friday
CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje and DOH Secretary Teodoro J. Herbosa explore potential areas of collaboration on climate change and health MANILA, 25 January 2024 — The Climate Change Commission (CCC) and the Department of Health (DOH) are set to enhance their collaboration to address the challenges arising from climate change’s impact on public health. Recognizing the important nexus of climate change and health, CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje and DOH Secretary Teodoro “Ted” Herbosa discussed impacts of climate change on health, and opportunities to further align and ensure coherence of policies, programs, and other measures implemented by both agencies.  Among the identified key partnership areas are developing and implementing climate-health-related policies and initiatives, and promoting public awareness and community education, as aligned with existing policies and frameworks such as the Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028, CCC’s ongoing development of the National Adaptation Plan, and the ongoing implementation of the Universal Healthcare Act. Borje emphasized the need for a proactive and adaptive healthcare system, and highlighted the urgency of integrating climate considerations into health policies and practices. He underscored the importance of both the health and climate change agenda. The lessons drawn from the global COVID-19 pandemic have vividly demonstrated the inseparable connection between climate change and health.  "The nexus between climate change and health is not just a choice; it's an imperative,” Borje said. “Our experiences have shown us that our well-being is intricately linked to the health of our planet. Recognizing this connection is key to building a resilient and sustainable future for all."  Herbosa expressed commitment to incorporating climate considerations into its strategies, creating a more holistic approach to healthcare that addresses evolving challenges from a changing climate. "The DOH is taking significant steps towards a sustainable and resilient healthcare system,” said Herbosa. “Our plans include constructing environmentally friendly hospitals, incorporating climate change adaptation into our disaster risk reduction initiatives. As the DOH is actively reforming to prioritize Universal Health Care and primary care, we believe this presents a prime opportunity to foster partnerships for a healthier and greener future," he added.  Climate change impacts on health include increased risks of heat-related illnesses, vector-borne and waterborne diseases, malnutrition, and mental health issues. In the CCC’s ongoing development of the Philippines’ first NAP, health is identified as one of the sectors to focus on, towards increasing national and local climate resilience.  In the recent inter-agency meeting, President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr., expressed his commitment to fulfill the NAP, as part of the commitment to broader national effort to achieve a climate-smart and climate-resilient Philippines. The CCC and DOH’s commitment to closely working together on climate change-related issues represents a whole-of-government approach to addressing climate-related challenges.  As the lead policy-making body of the government on climate change, the CCC will continue to further strengthen collaboration with agencies and other stakeholders in developing, updating, and implementing climate action towards achievement of national climate objectives.  For more information about the CCC’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit and
January 25, 2024 Thursday
CLIMATE CHAMPION. Volleyball superstar Bryan Bagunas partners with the Climate Change Commission in promoting sustainable lifestyle choices and practices. [Photo credits to Bryan Bagunas] MANILA, PHILIPPINES | 18 January 2024 – To heighten awareness on climate change issues among the youth, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) has collaborated with Bryan Bagunas, the first Filipino professional volleyball player to earn a Most Valuable Player (MVP) award outside the country. At the top of his game Hailing from Balayan, Batangas, Bryan Berroya Bagunas currently plays as an import for Taichung’s Win Streak. He showcased a remarkable performance of 42 points, leading the team to dethrone the seven-time champion, the Pingtung Taipower. Bagunas began his career with the National University (NU) Bulldogs, securing  back-to-back championship victories in the University Athletic Association of the Philippines (UAAP) Men’s Volleyball League for Seasons 80 and 81. He received the Finals MVP award for both seasons and was honored as the three-time best server of the league from Seasons 79 to 81. Bagunas capped off his final year at UAAP in Season 81 with the Season MVP Award. Post-UAAP, Bagunas gained recognition in the regional volleyball arena as a key player for the Philippine Men’s Volleyball Team in the SEA Games 2017 and 2019, achieving a historic silver medal finish for the country since its last podium finish back in 2005. In mid-2019, he attracted international scouts, signing up with Oita Miyoshi Weisse Adler in Japan. Later, Bagunas joined the Win Streak in August 2022, earning  the MVP  award for Taiwan’s Top Volleyball League (TVL) Season 22-23, playing as Taichung  Win Streak’s outside hitter. A climate champion in the making Beyond volleyball, the 6-foot-5 outside hitter passionately addresses climate change. Having witnessed and experienced many disastrous typhoons in the Philippines, Bagunas emphasizes the urgent need to address improper waste management. This commitment anchors his venture as a climate change champion. The collaboration between Bagunas and the CCC highlights the Philippines’ vulnerability to climate change. Between 2011 and 2021, the country suffered losses and damages totaling PHP 673.30 billion due to tropical cyclones alone – 27% larger than the 2023 budget for social work (PHP 197 billion) and public health (PHP 296.3 billion), combined. This exemplifies the economic losses the country sustains due to typhoons. Knowing this, Bagunas hopes to inspire Filipinos, especially the youth, to help address the effects of climate change in the little-big ways they can. The volleyball star envisions a green, clean, and sustainable future that the next generations of Filipinos can enjoy and sustain. “Nasa edad na ako para magkapamilya at gusto ko na ang mga magiging anak ko at mga future generations ay maranasan na mabuhay sa isang fresh at malinis na mundo,” Bagunas said during an interview with CCC. “Gusto ko rin na sila [future generations] ay maging responsable sa pangangalaga sa kalikasan,” he added. Practicing and promoting sustainability While playing for a team overseas, Bagunas actively participates in the Philippines’ climate efforts through this campaign, aiming to influence Filipinos to adopt and promote a sustainable lifestyle. It underscores the importance of integrating effective, systematic, and easy waste-management practices into daily routines in response to climate crises and plastic pollution.   Inspired by the eco-friendly practices he observed from the countries where he played, Bagunas centers his advocacy on waste management and sustainable lifestyle. In one segment, he discusses the 4Rs in addressing climate change – Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle – and encourages everyone to adopt these principles. “Bilang import nakita ko yung mga local practices nila na napakaganda…napaka-istrikto nila pagdating sa pag-segregate ng basura. Sa transportation, maraming nagkalat na mga bikes na pwedeng rentahan kahit nino. Gusto ko na ma-adopt yun ng mga Pilipino, lalo na ang mga kabataan,” the athlete narrated. According to the World Bank’s “Market Studies for the Philippines: Plastic Circularity Opportunities and Barriers,” around 4.8 to 12.7 million tons of plastic worldwide leak into the oceans yearly, with Asia contributing over 80% of this marine leakage. The Philippines ranks third globally, producing over 2.7 million tons of plastic waste annually, with 20% or 0.75 million metric tons of mismanaged plastic ending up in the ocean. These figures underscore the necessity of involving Filipino communities in adopting effective and sustainable waste-management practices starting at the grassroots level. The campaign videos highlight the vital role of youth participation in combating climate change, echoing the famous line of our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, “Kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan.” In a data by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), it was found that 31.40 million Filipino youth are more than willing to adopt a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle. While this is already a huge milestone for the Philippines, Bagunas, together with the CCC hopes to ramp this up even higher by reaching out more to the youth. Through the collaboration, the volleyball player urges all Filipino youth, athletes, and the public to proactively participate in climate efforts, rallying together with the Climate Change Commission to ensure a green and sustainable future. Likewise, these videos demonstrate the CCC’s commitment to engage every Filipino in the fight against climate change, irrespective of age, status, and profession. For more information about the CCC’s mainstreaming activities, visit and
January 18, 2024 Thursday
The Climate Change Commission and UP National College of Public Administration and Governance discuss strategies to strengthen the CCC's role in climate governance. MANILA, 20 December 2023 — The Climate Change Commission (CCC) and the University of the Philippines National College of Public Administration and Governance (UP-NCPAG) reaffirmed their commitment to strengthen collaborative efforts, aimed at advancing climate governance and good governance initiatives in the Philippines.  In a meeting, CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje and UP-NCPAG Dean Dr. Kristoffer B. Berse discussed possible areas of collaboration, including: improving access to climate financing for vulnerable local government units, enhancing the capacities of diverse stakeholders in climate change programming, and bolstering institutional capabilities for climate change initiatives. Recognizing UP's reputation as a premier academic institution, VCED Borje emphasized, "We are eager to enlist the expertise of professionals to refine our capabilities and elevate our proficiency."  He added, "Our steadfast commitment to advancing climate governance aligns with President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.s' pledge to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities, facilitate access to climate financing, and enhance the programming capacities of diverse stakeholders. specific challenges persist in climate governance, and our success hinges on forging robust partnerships like this with UP-NCPAG." Dean Berse stressed the need for CCC to maintain its leadership in climate governance, especially in collaboration with local government units. He highlighted the wealth of experiences and lessons learned in the Philippines, stating, "We possess models and benchmarks from which other vulnerable nations can draw insights. With our expertise, the imperative is to create a platform that converges these resources, and that is where UP-NCPAG can significantly support the Commission." The CCC, as the government's lead policy-making body on climate change, is tasked to coordinate, monitor, and evaluate programs and ensure integration into national, local, and sectoral development plans.  UP-NCPAG, one of the country’s leading academic institutions in public management and policy, is dedicated to providing instruction, research, and extension services. This partnership builds on the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signed by CCC and UP in 2013, which aims to strengthen technical collaboration in capacity development and related climate services and actions to national government agencies, local government units, local state colleges and universities and other sectors in the academe, private sector, development partners, civil society organizations, and vulnerable sectors of society. For more information about the CCC’s mainstreaming activities, visit
December 20, 2023 Wednesday
MANILA  | 12 December 2023 — Recognizing children as particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) is launching a video production that captures the perspectives and insights of children and youth. Featuring five individuals aged between 6 and 16, this visual storytelling explores their understanding of global warming and climate change, their experiences in communities and schools, and their future goals and aspirations. The participants articulate their awareness of climate change issues and impacts, detailing their personal approaches to promoting climate-conscious and sustainable practices. They also express gratitude towards individuals they have interacted with, acknowledging them as environmental heroes for their contributions to raising awareness and participating in adaptation and mitigation efforts. The participants also share their visions for an ideal future. In producing this media material, the CCC emphasizes its collaboration with children and youth, aiming for resiliency and sustainability. The agency cites data from the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) revealing that 1 billion, nearly half of the 2.2 billion children globally, live in extremely high-risk countries. The Philippines is among these countries, where children are exposed to floods and tropical ecosystems.  These vulnerabilities often exacerbate existing social inequalities, placing additional strains on children and young people’s overall well-being. Climate action addressing the needs of youth and girls is among the priority positions of the Philippine Government at the ongoing COP28. This reflects the CCC’s whole-of-society and inclusive approach in addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by climate change. The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) is an important United Nations climate conference held in Dubai, UAE, gathering representatives from 198 parties worldwide to negotiate and deliberate on pressing issues related to climate change. Attended by delegates from various countries, COP28 builds upon previous climate agreements such as the Paris Agreement and Kyoto Protocol, and advances global efforts in combating climate change.
December 12, 2023 Tuesday
Sharm El-Sheikh, 5 December 2023 — Officials from the Government of the Philippines and development partner organizations expressed their support to the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and Nationally Determined Contribution Implementation Plan (NDCIP)—the country’s action plans on adaptation and mitigation, during a high-level dialogue in the Philippine Pavilion at the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on December 2. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Secretary Maria Antonia Yulo-Loyzaga, who is also the Official Representative of the President to the CCC, explained that both the NAP and NDCIP are “live documents and each will have their own priorities and means of implementation,” adding that “our next step is to carve out a holistic and integrated approach to adaptation, mitigation, and disaster risk reduction, so that strategic investment can produce multiple positive values in the areas that need it the most.” “Our NAP provides macro-level climate risk and impact assessment of historical and future scenarios; identifies key priority sectors and adaptation strategies; and a roadmap for implementation,” said Commissioner Rachel Anne Herrera of the Climate Change Commission, adding that “inclusivity must follow where the NAP implementation must leave no one behind, fostering collaborative climate actions that will reach up to the last mile.” DENR Undersecretary Analiza Rebuelta-Teh meanwhile presented on the implementation plan of the NDC, which “serves as a roadmap and contains actions of implementation of the NDC in five sectors: energy, transport, agriculture, industry, and waste” and having an estimated investment cost of PHP3.6 trillion or US$64 billion.  Secretary Renato Solidum, Jr. of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) expressed his support and underscored the importance of incorporating science into our climate action plans. “We need to integrate science with our resilience strategies. We need everyone to work together. After all, the purpose of science is to serve the needs of the people on our planet. I have high hopes that these adaptation plans and initiatives will turn the tides towards the Philippines’ climate resilience journey for us to become victors over disasters,” he said. Senate President Pro-Tempore Loren Legarda, UNFCCC NAP Champion, thanked the CCC and DENR for leading the development of the NAP and NDCIP and committed “in making the goals and aspirations contained in our NAP and NDCIP a reality for all.” Leaders from the government and development sectors shared their insights in the panel discussion on “Partnerships to Support Climate Policy and Investments in the Philippines,” which was moderated by Ms. Naeeda Crishna Morgado, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Climate Change Focal for the Philippines and Southeast Asia.  Secretary Benjamin Diokno of the Department of Finance (DOF) highlighted the critical role of the private sector in supporting the NAP and NDCIP. “The Philippines is basically a private sector economy. Government’s share is about 1/4 of the total economy, so we need a lot of private sector participation in this endeavor. That’s why we revised our public-private partnership framework so that they can invest in areas that are climate-friendly,” Diokno said.  He also underscored that the government must help itself by allocating budget, and tagging to which climate projects and programs they go for impact. “Having a fund does not mean anything by itself, we need to use it to implement,” he noted, based on the lessons from the projects supported by the People’s Survival Fund, which is the country’s adaptation fund.  Ms. Carolina Fuentes, Director of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Division of Country Programming, meanwhile explained that NAPs and NDCs are key pieces to inform programming. “We have to rely on the NDCs and the NAPs as the guiding documents. Truly, they are charting the way in which the investments of the GCF should go,” she said. . Mr. Woochong Um, ADB Managing Director General, also stressed that “[what] we have to do immediately is to convert these plans into investible plans, and investible plans do have projects underneath. We have to put a lot of effort collectively to identify these projects, and design and turn them from concepts into bankable projects.” Mr. Peter Bentley, Adaptation and Resilience Team Lead of the United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), said that the top priority for the UK when it comes to supporting vulnerable countries is on adaptation but has been burdened in the past by investments without long-term vision. “These investments, they get undone by not taking a really long-term vision on adaptation, and I think that’s what the Philippines has done really well. That’s what we look forward to in a long-term partnership,” he said. Ms. Atika Ben Maid, Deputy Head of the Climate and Nature Division of the AFD - Agence Française de Développement, noted that the AFD always checks first a project’s compliance with the country’s NDC or NAP. “When a country like the Philippines is so advanced in terms of launching their NDC and NAP, it’s actually making our life easier. It is important that we ensure that projects are aligned with these strategic documents. The Philippines is one of the countries that we usually use in other panels as an example of a partnership in terms of climate financing and implementation, concretization of not only strategies throughout the first step but practical and real actions on the ground,” she said.  COP28 is held in Dubai, UAE from 30 November to 12 December 2023, where the first Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement will also take place. For updates on COP28, visit
December 05, 2023 Tuesday
Dubai, UAE | 01 December 2023. In a significant development on the opening day of the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai, delegates reached a consensus to operationalize and capitalize the much-anticipated Loss and Damage (L&D) fund and funding arrangement. The Climate Change Commission (CCC) lauded this significant stride towards aiding vulnerable nations in managing and recovering from the adverse impacts of climate change. During the ceremonial opening, Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, COP28 President, announced the operationalization and capitalization of the Loss and Damage Fund, marking a crucial breakthrough for this year's UN climate conference. The Fund, designed to compensate countries grappling with loss and damage due to climate change, received pledges amounting to approximately USD 400 million.  Sultan Al Jaber emphasized the urgency of L&D financing. He stated, “We all know that a key success factor across the climate agenda is finance. For too long, finance has not been available, accessible, or affordable. This Presidency is committed to unlocking finance to ensure that the global south does not have to choose between development and climate action.” “Let this be the year that climate finance meets the magnitude of the moment. Let this be the COP where we deliver on our promises, from the USD100 billion to loss-and-damage. And on loss and damage I know how important this issue is to the parties, particularly the most vulnerable,” he further added. COP28 host, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), demonstrated leadership by committing USD100 million to the fund, underscoring the urgency and collective responsibility in addressing climate-related challenges. Germany and the United Kingdom followed suit with noteworthy contributions of USD100 million and GBP60 million (USD75 million), respectively. Japan and the United States also pledged their support, with Japan contributing USD10 million and the USA committing USD17.5 million to bolster the Fund.  The Philippines, a nation highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, welcomed the decisive action at COP28.  “The operationalization of the L&D Fund is a historic move forward. It is proof positive of what we can do as an international community. If we put our brains together and work together, we can move something from being divisive and transform it into something that’s truly unifying,”   Secretary Robert E.A Borje, Climate Change Commission Vice Chair and Executive Director, said during his intervention during the ceremonial opening of COP28.  “But as we celebrate, let us remember loss and damage is at the latter end of the phenomenon spectrum. We have to realize and remember the important work that also needs to be done for adaptation-mitigation efforts to be scaled up. We are grateful for the pledges from our partner countries. We hope that this will assist us, and not just the Philippines but other at-risk countries,” he emphasized. This landmark decision reflects a collaborative effort by nations to confront the pressing issue of climate change and stands as a testament to the international community's dedication to mitigating its devastating effects.  The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) is an important United Nations climate conference held in Dubai, UAE, gathering representatives from 198 parties worldwide to negotiate and deliberate on pressing issues related to climate change. Attended by delegates from various countries, COP28 aims to build upon previous climate agreements such as the Paris Agreement and Kyoto Protocol, and advance global efforts in combating climate change.  The Philippines is expected to deliver the National Statement during the World Climate Action Summit (WCAS) on December 2. WCAS is a key high-level event of COP28, where Heads of State or Government convene to implement and transform key climate-related decisions into credible plans and concrete actions. For more information about the CCC’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit and
December 01, 2023 Friday
President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. with the LGU recipients of PSF and members of the PSF Board. (Photo from the Office of the President) MANILA, 29 November 2023 — The Climate Change Commission (CCC) commends the approval of additional climate adaptation  projects under the leadership of President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. through the People’s Survival Fund (PSF), saying this was a “demonstration of leadership in transformative climate action via a dedicated public domestic climate finance mechanism.” The allocation of over PHP 541 million for six (6) new climate adaptation initiatives signifies the Marcos administration’s commitment to proactive governance and strengthening the nation's adaptive capacity against climate change. “The PSF and the projects it funds will serve as a safeguard as we adapt to climate change and mitigate its effects. We can proudly say that the Philippines is a trailblazer in domestic climate finance for adaptation, showcasing our nation's commitment to global environmental responsibility,” emphasized by President Marcos. “The approval of these projects sends a powerful message that the Marcos Administration can mobilize critical domestic resources to advance adaptation measures at the local and community levels, especially at a time when risks and challenges posed by climate change demand immediate and urgent actions,” said CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert Eric E.A Borje  “Succinctly put, the clear message here is that the Philippines is unlocking domestic climate finance to serve the interests of vulnerable and at risk communities. With just a few days left for COP28, developed countries should do more. If countries like the Philippines can unlock public domestic climate finance, then developed countries must ramp up delivery on their commitments under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement,” clarified Secretary Borje.  The new projects include a PHP 271.15 million grant for the Provincial Government of Mountain Province to construct a Climate Field School (CFS), aiming to boost agricultural and fisheries sectors. The Municipality of Maramag, Bukidnon, secured PHP 126.40 million for drainage systems and agroforestry development, while Borongan City, Eastern Samar, received PHP 117.96 million for embankment infrastructure and reforestation along the Lo-om River.  Other approved projects include a solar-powered lamp project in Cabagan, Isabela (PHP 21.28 million), and mangrove rehabilitation in Catanauan, Quezon Province (PHP 2.64 million). Additionally, a project development grant worth PHP 2 million has been recently approved for the Water Harvesting Structures Project in Besao, Mountain Province. As the Philippines prepares to participate in the 28th Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), President Marcos emphasized the nation's leadership role: "We will use this platform to rally the global community and call upon nations to honor their commitments, particularly in climate financing." At the ceremonial turnover of PSF Board Resolutions in Malacanang today, the President extended his congratulations to the beneficiaries of the PSF, acknowledging their dedication to climate-related projects and expressing continued support for their efforts. He urged the beneficiaries to ensure the successful implementation of their respective projects, emphasizing the national government's commitment to providing guidance and assistance.  "We are behind you and ready to do all that we need to do and to assist you to guide you so that these projects will be successful and will lead on to greater and bigger mitigation efforts for climate change effects," he stressed. Reflecting on the global importance of climate change efforts, President Marcos further highlighted the Philippines' context as one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change.  "We must do our part here in the Philippines. But we must also take the lead when it comes to the global move and the global aspiration that those most vulnerable communities around the world will somehow be assisted by the developing countries when it comes to these measures to mitigate and to adapt to climate change,"  he emphasized. President Marcos encouraged other local government units to view the challenges brought about by climate change as opportunities for renewal and advancement: "Through the PSF, we can realize our dream for a sustainable and climate-resilient Philippines. We can showcase the transformative change that the united people can achieve." Established under Republic Act No. 10174, the PSF is a special fund in the National Treasury that provides long-term finance streams to enable the government to effectively address the problems of climate change through adaptation programs and projects. The CCC reviews and evaluates project proposals submitted for PSF. With concurrence and endorsement from the majority of CCC Commissioners, project proposals are recommended for approval by the PSF Board. The CCC also formulates mechanisms towards transparency and public access to information, and develops guidelines to accredit local/community organizations to access the PSF. The recent fast tracking of PSF approvals reflects a streamlined approach in engaging local government units and ensuring efficient utilization of climate finance. For more information on the PSF, visit the CCC’s website at or the People's Survival Fund Facebook page
November 29, 2023 Wednesday
QUEZON CITY, 29 November 2023— Chaired by Dr. Doracie Zoleta-Nantes, the National Panel of Technical Experts (NPTE) held a forum during the recently concluded 14th Global Warming and Climate Change Consciousness (CCC) Week. Leading experts and key stakeholders gathered to discuss pressing climate issues affecting the Philippines. The 12th NPTE Forum examined policy briefs addressing critical concerns such as sea-level rise, flooding, water and human security, climate change impacts on health, and the imperative of integrated coastal management. Among the crucial issues discussed is the impending water shortages, with projections pointing to a worsening water deficit in various regions such as Cagayan, Pangasinan, Bulacan, Pampanga, Laguna, Bicol, and Cebu by the year 2025. Dr. Zoleta-Nantes emphasized, "The socio-economic concerns of our nation hinge on maintaining the quality, quantity, and productivity of our water resources.” There is a pressing concern over the deterioration of water resources, as only 69% of the population enjoys access to safe drinking water, underscoring the urgent attention needed to address the degradation of the country's water resources in terms of both quality and quantity. Another significant issue discussed is urban vulnerability, emphasizing that low-lying and coastal urban communities face severe consequences from floods and sea-level rise. This highlights the necessity for holistic and effective solutions. "Complex issues of watershed rehabilitation and water supply management are heavily impacted negatively by climate change that will bring more hardship to the Filipinos," Dr. Doracie Zoleta-Nantes pointed out. Commissioner Rachel Anne Herrera cited the significant role of the NPTE “in helping  us  develop the National Adaptation Plan, which provides a macro-level climate risk and impact assessment of historical and future climate scenarios and identifies key priority strategies for moving forward and formulating a roadmap for climate and disaster resilience.” Secretary Robert E.A. Borje, Vice Chairperson and Executive Director of the Climate Change Commission, underscored the crucial role of science in shaping climate actions: "Science will ensure not only our response to climate change but also enable us to plan and adopt a more strategic approach.  “It is important that we approach climate change not just as our problem but as an intergenerational challenge that we must address. We really need to reach out, starting from the smallest unit, our barangay, to fully understand climate change and what we need to do to meet this challenge,“ he said. Representative Edgar Chatto, Chairperson of the House Committee on Climate Change, emphasized the significance of the whole nation, whole society approach in policy making processes to ensure inclusivity. “We need to work together to ensure the establishment of a climate-smart, climate-resilient, and climate-private Filipino community. I enjoin everyone to foster an atmosphere of inclusivity, and harness the power of open dialogue, respect, and collaboration and together, let us make it right for our nation,” he stated. Secretary Eduardo Año of the National Security Council spoke about the increasing vulnerability of the world due to climate induced hazards and the urgent need to show our nation’s collective ability to act. “We have set our sights on building resiliency by enhancing climate and disaster preparedness, effectively conserving and managing environment and natural resources, strengthening law enforcement operations to address environmental crimes, modernizing climate resilient healthcare facilities and health systems, educating people on disaster risk, integrating environmental consciousness in basic education, pursuing the green economy, generating more green jobs, establishing climate resilient infrastructures, among other important steps,” he stated. Commissioner Albert P. Dela Cruz Sr. pointed out the importance of laymanizing climate adaptation and mitigation practices for both society and ecosystems, extending to the smallest units of governance.  To provide an international overview on the urgency to act, Dr. Rosa Perez of the Manila Observatory emphasized IPCC warnings and the urgency for swift climate action. Experts who delivered key policy briefs include Dr. Eduardo Mangaoang, NPTE Co-Chairperson, who explored policy and action briefs on sea-level rise adaptation strategies, Dr. Richard Muallil, who discussed implementing Integrated Coastal Management as a nature-based solution, and Dr. Renzo Guinto, MD DrPH, who focused on the next phase of climate-health action in the Philippines. Dr. Jimmy Masagca discussed the impact of flooding in the Philippines amidst climate change, stressing the need for the institutionalization of comprehensive flood management strategies in the country. In addition, Dr. Emma Porio, NPTE Co-Chairperson, and Dr. Gay Defiesta highlighted the importance of proactive responses to safeguard tropical ecosystems and the anticipatory climate action for water and human security.  Other experts, Dr. Zenaida Andrade and Dr. Jihan Adil shared their best practices on addressing the adverse impact of flooding in their respective locality.  The NPTE Forum emphasized the urgency of collaborative, science-based actions to address the Philippines' climate challenges. With a focus on policy recommendations, adaptation strategies, and community engagement, the forum aims to guide the nation toward a resilient and sustainable future. Republic Act 9729 as amended, or the Climate Change Act of 2009, constituted the NPTE to provide technical advice to the CCC in the fields of natural sciences, social sciences, law, economics, data science, risk governance, and priority thematic areas of the National Climate Change Action Plan, as well as other technical areas relevant to the work of the CCC. For more information about the CCC’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit the website of the CCC at and
November 29, 2023 Wednesday
QUEZON CITY, 29 November 2023— As the culminating event of the 16th Annual Global Warming and Climate Change Consciousness Week, sustainability advocates and passionate youth leaders gathered for "ClimaTalks: Youth in Climate Action," a forum which emphasized the crucial role of youth in responding to the urgent call for climate action. Secretary Robert E.A. Borje, Vice Chairperson and Executive Director of CCC, highlighted the youth's significance in strengthening governance, urging them to voice concerns and propel the climate agenda forward.  Held on November 24 at Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria, Quezon City, Secretary Borje stressed: “Activities like these, focusing on the youth, are critical to ensure that the entire process of governance continues to be strengthened, especially in the Philippines. We are not just teaching the youth; the youth have something to teach us and everyone. Because you are the youth, you are in a special position to express your thoughts, articulate your desires, and advance the agenda, expanding the scope of discussion. You will be the ones to inherit what we are doing.” “This is not merely a matter of passing on a piece of paper; it is an exercise that challenges the will and intellect of the Filipino youth to identify, analyze, assess, articulate, and strategize for the future. These are skills that we urgently and critically need to instill in the youth. The challenge for the youth is to think critically, think strategically, and think towards the future. Do we want a Philippines that is great?,” he stated. The forum drew engaging messages and insights on immediate climate challenges. Mr. Jose Uy III, Senior Vice President and Head of Corporate Affairs of Nestle Philippines, recognized the indispensable role of youth in climate action and provided a platform for them to showcase their innovative ideas. He asserted, “We want to give you a platform to share your concerns about what’s happening to our community and our environment.” Lester Dellosa, Founder and Creative Director of CICCADA, underscored the need for resolute climate action in an enlightening speech. He stated, “As we witness the alarming degradation and global warming escalate to global boiling; we can never go back to business as usual practices; we demand resolute climate action.” Mr. Nigel Anthony Tan, a fellow from Climate Tracker Asia Inc., discussed the importance and challenges that biodiversity and ecosystems face. He urged collaboration, saying, “We all have different priorities, but through working together, we can find a solution that not just settles on a compromise but works for the benefit of all.” Ms. Christine Jodloman, Director for Programs and Development at AGREA, highlighted the critical role of agriculture in climate action, emphasizing, “Ensuring our food security through positive production, equitable and humane livelihoods, and resilient food systems can be our collective climate action.” Mr. Ralph Eric Bernardo, Circle Manager of the Mayumo Rover Scouts, shared their holistic approach to climate action, calling for unity: “Now, it is evident that in order for us to make meaningful change happen in our conquest against climate change, we will need all hands on deck.” Congressman Joey Salceda, a champion for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, applauded the commitment shown during the week-long event, emphasizing the importance of youth participation: "It warms the heart that our efforts to fight climate change continue... We have to forge a future on the dreams of our youth." National Youth Commission Chairperson Ronald Gian Carlo Cardema highlighted the significance of the event in mobilizing the youth for nation-building. He shared, "...all issues of Filipinos are also issues of the youth." ClimaTalks provides a platform for resource persons and participants to mutually grasp the importance of the youth's role in shaping discussions for a sustainable and resilient future. It reaffirms the joint commitment of the government, private sector, and youth advocates to tackle the urgent challenges of climate change. For more information about the CCC’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit the website of the CCC at and
November 29, 2023 Wednesday
MUTUALLY REINFORCING ROLES. Industry leaders and policy experts convene at a roundtable discussion that centers on climate solutions, equity, and building a resilient, low-carbon society. They emphasize metrics for emission reduction goals, underscoring the interconnectedness of sustainability, profitability, and societal well-being. QUEZON CITY, 24 November 2023 – In a groundbreaking event, prominent business leaders and policy experts gathered yesterday to discuss ambitious corporate climate action, emphasizing pro-poor and gender-sensitive solutions. The event featured distinguished speakers and panelists. "This is a historic event to include business leaders in the commitment to transform the country into a resilient, low-carbon society," said Secretary Robert E.A. Borje of the Climate Change Commission. “It's crucial to scale up and deliver in a predictable manner, considering the moral imperative at stake—the lives, livelihoods, and future of our people,” he added. The discussion, moderated by Ms. Ping Manongdo, Southeast Asia Partnerships Manager and Philippines Country Head at Eco-Business, revolved around the mutually reinforcing roles of both government and the private sector in achieving verifiable emission reduction goals. Mr. Jaime Urquijo, Chief Sustainability Officer and Risk Officer at Ayala Corporation, highlighted the importance of metrics and baselining. "We identify our baseline emissions on a yearly basis, and we are fortunate to have a net-zero commitment and a visionary leader in the person of the CEO of Ayala Corporation," he shared. Ms. Chaye Cabal Revilla, CFO and Chief Sustainability Officer at Metro Pacific Investments Corporation, emphasized, "Baselining and measurement are crucial. We had to set the tone from the top, formalize sustainability committees, and take stock of our strategy. We want to be net negative and fortify our environmental stewardship plans." “As leaders, you cannot be sustainable as an organization if you, as an individual, do not buy it. As a woman leader, we also try to influence women’s organizations to push for sustainable practices,” she added.  Ms. Leah Marie Ayeng, General Manager of Prestige Paper Products, underscored that investing in more sustainable products will not only contribute to accelerating climate consciousness but also enhance the viability of enterprises. “I believe that a responsible business is also a profitable business.”  Mr. Ted Monroy, Country Representative, United Nations Industrial Development Organization Country Office Philippines, explained, "Climate change affected typhoon pathways in Mindanao. If there's no energy, there's no development. We focus on renewable energy and supporting local development." Mr. Horia Adrian, President and CEO of Holcim Philippines Inc., issued a warning: "We will consume 2.5 planets by 2030 if we continue like this. Sustainability is very tangible because it affects the entire world." "People should feel sustainability in their heart. God gives you, but God does not put it in your pocket. We can provide the solution, but the solution has to be used,"  he emphasized. During the Q&A session, the speakers addressed queries ranging from advertising strategies focused on sustainability to convincing SMEs to adopt environmentally friendly practices. "Advertising is expensive but cheap talk. We design, build, and operate our business with the least environmental destruction. It's more costly, but it's in our DNA," stated Ms. Revilla when asked about advertising sustainability. “We just need to be a lot more creative in unlocking value,” said Mr. Urquijo.  In closing remarks, Secretary Borje emphasized, "There is no business on a dead planet. The bottom line is connected to sustainability and profitability. That is the paradigm shift we need to encourage. The government needs to craft policies to support these." “What we need to do is scan the horizon and give it a climate change lens. We are learning that climate change is the governance challenge of our generation,” he added. The panelists unanimously agreed on the interconnectedness of sustainability, profitability, and societal well-being. The event concluded with a call for collective business action, acknowledging the crucial role of corporates in driving an ambitious path towards a resilient and sustainable future. For updates on the CCC Week commemoration visit the Climate Change Commission’s website at and
November 24, 2023 Friday
Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte has been awarded as one of the UN Champions of the Earth by UNEP for her policy leadership in eliminating plastic pollution. (Source: UNEP) MANILA, 22 November 2023 —  The Climate Change Commission (CCC) commends Quezon City Mayor Josefina "Joy" Belmonte for winning the UN Champions of the Earth award under the Policy Leadership category.   She was recognized by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) for her accomplishment in eliminating plastic pollution within the local government of Quezon City. The Champions of the Earth award is given to individuals, groups, and organizations whose actions bring about transformative change in ecological conservation. Under Belmonte's leadership, Quezon City has become a model for sustainable governance. She led the development of policies that minimize plastic pollution. Her initiatives include the banning of single-use plastic bags, cutlery, straws and containers in hotels, restaurants and fast-food chains for dine-in customers. Additionally, her administration has spearheaded measures to eliminate single-use packaging materials.  The CCC underscores the critical role of local government leaders in driving positive environmental change. Mayor Belmonte's efforts in Quezon City exemplify the kind of proactive and impactful measures needed to combat the adverse impacts of climate change and plastic pollution. CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje  remarked, "Mayor Joy Belmonte's dedication to sustainability and her effective measures to eliminate plastic pollution make her a true environmental champion. Her leadership sets a remarkable example for other local governments and reinforces the urgent need for collective action in addressing climate change. The Climate Change Commission looks forward to continued collaboration with Mayor Belmonte and other local leaders who share a commitment to building a sustainable and resilient future for our planet.” Secretary Borje adds that her recognition underlines the vital role women play in shaping meaningful policies for our planet. This achievement sends a powerful message: that women are not just passive victims of climate change; rather, they have the agency to lead. Mayor Belmonte's success serves as an inspiration that women can thrive and contribute meaningfully to the global efforts aimed at creating a gender-inclusive and sustainable future. Mayor Belmonte is the very first elected local official to receive the UN Champions of the Earth award.  She now stands alongside three other Filipinos who have been bestowed with this distinguished laurel. The other three awardees were former DENR Secretary Elisea Gozun, Human rights activist and environmentalist Joan Carling and environmentalist Louise Mabulo.
November 22, 2023 Wednesday