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CCC Commissioner Rachel Anne S. Herrera presents key collaboration areas for driving climate action and sustainable development at the "Philippines Country Partnership Strategy Consultation: High-Level Dialogue on Financing Climate Action" organized by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) MANILA, 5 July 2023 — The Climate Change Commission (CCC) underscored the significance of partnerships between the Philippine government and multilateral support in driving impactful climate action and sustainable development. CCC Commissioner Rachel Anne S. Herrera presented key areas of collaboration for engaging climate finance at the "Philippines Country Partnership Strategy Consultation: High-Level Dialogue on Financing Climate Action" organized by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Commissioner Herrera expressed her appreciation for the ADB's sustained support to the Philippine Government, which has mobilized $3.9 billion in climate finance between 2018 and 2022 under the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS). This support has been instrumental in the development of a comprehensive policy program that accelerates the formulation and implementation of the Philippine Nationally Determined Contribution, National Adaptation Plan, and Long-Term Strategy for greenhouse gas emission reduction pathways. It has also facilitated flagship mitigation investments in low-carbon transport and key adaptation programs, particularly in flood risk management. “The times call for a strong mechanism to mobilize resources, and formulate strategies, to be implemented at the pace and scale needed,” Herrera said. Commissioner Herrera shared three major areas of collaboration with the ADB during the dialogue, starting with the need to formulate and institutionalize climate policies that are forward-looking, innovative, and transformative, anchored on the best available science and indigenous and local knowledge. “Grounded on our joint efforts with national government agencies and other stakeholders, we are committed to advancing enabling policies for investment-led and transformative climate actions,” she emphasized. Herrera then called for support to enhance national and local governments’ access to resources to develop fit-for-purpose interventions, especially for adaptation. This was cited in parallel to reforms in multilateral development bank (MDB) practices and priorities that aim to significantly increase climate ambition. Streamlining climate finance processes and strengthening the adaptive capacities of local government units (LGUs) are crucial in attracting investment opportunities and facilitating locally led climate change projects. Herrera urged partners to develop common indicators for monitoring and evaluating climate change actions that will assess progress and unlock private sector investments. The CCC is committed to sustained collaboration and partnership with the ADB, to achieve the shared vision of a climate-resilient and sustainable nation and world. "We express our appreciation to the ADB for bringing key institutional partners together in this dialogue. We hope that we could sustain this momentum in this crucial year and decade of action, and deliver on our commitments for a country and planet that is safe and secure for all," Herrera concluded. The high-level dialogue, structured into three sessions, tackled crucial aspects of climate action and sustainability: Session 1, joined by the CCC, National Economic Development Authority, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and Department of Finance, presented how the ADB can provide support in achieving the Philippines' climate objectives. Session 2, joined by the Department of Transportation  and Department of Energy, focused on strategies to elevate climate ambition and drive sustainable practices in various sectors of the economy. Session 3, joined by the Department of Agriculture, Department of Health, and Department of Social Welfare and Development, identified priority areas that require immediate attention to strengthen climate resilience, particularly in relation to food security and social inclusion. The event aims to gather views from key decision-makers to tailor the next cycle of the ADB Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for 2024-2029, addressing urgent and priority challenges in climate change mitigation and adaptation. For more information on the Climate Change Commission’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit and
July 05, 2023 Wednesday
BONN, GERMANY — Civil society organizations (CSOs) and other stakeholders present at the 58th Session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB58) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) expressed support to the Philippines’ priorities and expectations to the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai, UAE. Seven community-based organizations, non-government organizations, and interfaith movement and women-led groups from the Philippines joined the negotiations in SB58. Some of these CSOs shared their views and support to the Philippines for the upcoming COP28. *** The Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC) “The ICSC supports the Philippines’ call on building momentum towards COP28, highlighting the government’s priorities in line with national climate policies and fair share commitment towards achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. As a developing country at the frontlines of climate change impacts, we must continue to prioritize adaptation and resilience, with mitigation as a co-benefit of low-carbon development,” said Danica Marie Supnet, Interim Director for Climate Policy of the ICSC, an international non-government group advancing fair climate policy and low carbon, climate-resilient development. Supnet added, “ICSC likewise joins the Philippines and the rest of the Vulnerable Twenty Group of Finance Ministers (V20) in calling for a global financial system fit for climate through the V20 Accra-Marrakech Agenda, the G7-V20 Global Shield, and other solutions to advance climate and disaster risk finance and insurance.” *** Aksyon Klima/ Living Laudato Si' Philippines Rodne Galicha, Lead Convenor for Aksyon Klima and Executive Director of Living Laudato Si’ Philippines, expressed his agreement with the Philippine government’s call for “a COP28 that would finally enable the acceleration of global actions towards the attainment of the goals of the Paris Agreement.” “We are way past overdue. We need to end the cycle of broken promises and failed solutions for the sake of current and future generations. What we need now is to translate science and commitments into actions,” he said. Galicha added, “For COP28, among our priorities is our call to ensure that the loss and damage funding mechanism would be structured and operationalized such that polluters pay, the most affected communi'es would receive what they are owed with no strings attached, and that the burden would be shouldered by developed countries and corporations responsible for the climate crisis.” Living Laudato Si’ is an interfaith movement initiated by Catholic laypeople calling on Philippine financial institutions to divest from coal-related operations and other environmentally harmful activities, while Aksyon Klima is a civil society network that aims to build campaigning capacity and leadership among its partner community organizations, NGOs and the academe, on climate policies and issues. *** The Non-Timber Forest Products Exchange Programme (NTFP - EP Asia) “We welcome the government’s sharing of the Philippines' priorities in the lead-up to COP28, particularly the inclusive and meaningful participation of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs), CSOs, women, and youth in all climate processes, the push to operationalize the loss and damage fund and the Santiago Network, and pursuing climate justice,” said Dazzle Labapis, Programme Officer of NTFP-EP. He expressed hope that “there will be specific action points and concrete steps that the Climate Change Commission will initiate to make the engagement process meaningful and inclusive for IPLCs, CSOs, women and youth” as the country prepares for COP28. The NTFP-EP is a network of over 60 non-governmental organizations and community-based organizations working to strengthen forest-based communities’ capacity to sustainably manage natural resources in the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Cambodia, also offered its observation and support. *** Greenpeace Philippines “We are happy to note that the Philippines is ramping up on the Loss and Damage Funding structure. The need for loss and damage fund by the developing countries are urgent and rising, and we cannot afford to wait any longer. And because there is no question that burning of fossil fuels is the main driver of climate change, measures to ensure fossil fuel companies pay for loss and damage should be prioritized,” said Virginia Benosa-Llorin, Make Polluters Pay Co-Project Lead of Greenpeace. She added, “The fossil fuel era needs to end, and fast. But while the world phases out the burning of coal, oil and gas, the fossil fuel industry needs to pay for the harm their products cause.” *** Philippines in the leadup to COP28 In his closing statement in SB58, Secretary Robert E.A Borje, Head of the Philippine Delegation and the Vice Chairperson and Executive Director of Climate Change Commission, emphasized that “we must provide momentum for the progress needed for COP28 in the United Arab Emirates, and that we need to do more.” The Philippines underscored that these priorities and expectations must be tackled in COP28: establishment of the global goal on adaptation framework; ramping up work on mitigation and inclusion of emissions avoidance as a mitigation measure; setting up loss and damage fund and funding arrangements, and operationalization of the Santiago Network; conclusion of the work on the global stocktake with comprehensive, inclusive and transparent output; delivery of urgent obligations on means of implementation and support; ensuring universal participation and involvement in the process; rationalizing the conduct of meetings through defined priorities and intended outcomes. SB58, held on 5 to 15 June 2023 in Bonn, Germany, convened experts, policymakers, and stakeholders from around the world to share insights, foster collaboration, and find sustainable solutions to the climate crisis, as mandated by the UNFCCC and its Paris Agreement. For more information on the Philippines’ participation in SB58, visit the Climate Change Commission PH’s website at and Climate Change Commission PH.
July 03, 2023 Monday
Climate Change Commission (CCC) Deputy Executive Director Romell Antonio O. Cuenca together with the CCC staff during the Arbor Day tree planting and growing activity at the La Mesa Watershed Reservation QUEZON CITY, 25 June 2023 – The Climate Change Commission (CCC) joins the nationwide simultaneous tree planting and growing activity in La Mesa Watershed Park, as part of the Carbon Neutral Program (CNP) Convergence initiative, in celebration of the Philippine Arbor Day 2023. Together with CNP Convergence partners, Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the Society of Filipino Foresters, Inc. (SFFI), and the Million Trees Foundation, Inc., 900 molave and narra saplings were planted within La Mesa Watershed Park. A 1.5 km portion of the roadside was also planted with Palawan Cherry saplings. “Our activity today instills a sense of accountability and purpose in us all. As we continue to build on this partnership with PRC and other stakeholders, let's endeavor to plant more trees and work hand in hand so that we may be rightly called guardians of the Earth, nurturing a carbon-neutral and sustainable future,” CCC Deputy Executive Director (DED) Romell Antonio O. Cuenca said. Through the CNP Convergence initiative, the nationwide forestation activity is seen to become more sustainable and large-scale, as more government agencies and stakeholders from national, regional, and local levels are being engaged. "[M]aking sure that we have a sustainable environment is our responsibility to the country and the planet. Let’s build a legacy, sustain our environment for future generations,” PRC Commissioner Cueto said. This year, the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) and Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) were also welcomed as new partners under CNP, in the view that proper water management systems and IPs’ involvement in environmental protection and preservation play important elements in ecosystem enhancement and restoration efforts. The CNP Convergence initiative facilitates scientific forestation activities to contribute to carbon sequestration, promotes nature-based solutions to address the climate crisis, and leads the advancement of carbon neutrality among Filipino citizens towards low carbon, climate-resilient and sustainable future. “[B]ilang isang manggugubat, nakikita ko na lalakas pa itong ating programa. This is the first time na nagsama-sama ang professionals para sa kalikasan,” SFFI President Roberto Oliva added. “The CCC looks forward to further strengthening convergence between and among partners and stakeholders towards carbon neutral, climate-resilient Philippines. With our collective and sustained work on both mitigation and adaptation, we ensure the protection of our peoples’ lives, livelihoods and future,” Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje said. Philippine Arbor Day is observed throughout the nation every 25th of June, as declared in Proclamation 643 in 2004. Filipinos are encouraged to plant trees and ornamental plants and engage in other similar activities in observance of this day. Similarly, PRC passed and approved Commission Resolution 1251 of 2020 which proclaimed June 25 as PRC Nationwide Tree Planting Day. This is in support of the CNP’s mission to attain carbon neutrality through reforestation efforts. CNP is the main program of the Carbon Neutrality Program Convergence that was jointly signed by the CCC, DENR, PRC, and SFFI through a Memorandum of Agreement on 13 June 2022. For more information on the Climate Change Commission’s mainstreaming activities, visit and
June 25, 2023 Sunday
The Philippines participates in OECD’s Inclusive Forum on Carbon Mitigation Approaches meetings.  (Left) CCC Secretary Robert E.A. Borje delivering an intervention during the inaugural meeting.  (Right) Heads of delegations from 103 countries (Photo courtesy of OECD). PARIS, FRANCE, 23 June 2023 — The Philippines was elected as co-chair of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)’s Inclusive Forum on Carbon Mitigation Approaches (IFCMA), an initiative to assess the impacts of national mitigation interventions on global greenhouse gas emissions. The Philippines’ Climate Change Commission (CCC) Secretary Robert E.A. Borje will sit as co-chair, along with Switzerland’s Martin Baur and Chile’s Maria Jose Garcia. Serving as co-chair presents new opportunities to further strengthen international cooperation in climate action, between developing and developed nations. The announcement was made during the first IFCMA Steering Group Meeting on 13 June 2023.  “The Philippines welcomes the OECD’s invitation to be part of the IFCMA, and election as Co-Chair. Under IFCMA, the Philippines will work to ensure that this will serve as a more focused venue for interaction among, and cooperation between countries, towards practicable and pragmatic partnerships to fast-track higher impact and cost-effective climate change mitigation actions,” said Secretary Borje.  The Philippines is the only middle-income nation among Asia-Pacific countries in the Steering Group (which includes Japan and Singapore), and to be elected co-chair. “The Philippines is thankful for the vote of confidence and support. The election, we believe, demonstrates the continued and growing recognition of the Philippine Government under President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr.’s commitment and capability as a meaningful and constructive partner for transformative climate change action,” added Secretary Borje. Earlier in February, the Philippines participated in the IFCMA inaugural meeting in Paris, France. IFCMA aims to assess national carbon mitigation approaches’ impact on global emissions – a project that will run from 2023 to 2025.   Secretary Borje was joined by Undersecretary Analiza Rebuelta-Teh of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and representatives from the Philippine Embassy in Paris, France. During the meeting, the Philippines underscored that the development of a collective and inclusive strategy on global carbon emission reduction efforts is crucial, in response to the needed “deep, rapid and sustained emissions reduction” as emphasized by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Also aimed at enhancing international cooperation, the IFCMA will develop a global, comprehensive, and systematic stocktake of countries’ policies, programs, and projects on climate change mitigation, to undergo impact assessment on national and global emissions. “The Philippines envisions IFCMA to be beneficial to all parties, particularly to developing nations most at risk and vulnerable; to establish enabling policy environment towards improved access to technology development and transfer, capacity building, and finance and investments as regards carbon mitigation approaches,” said Secretary Borje. “This should be aligned with the existing work of international bodies such as the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement, and consider data availability and applicability, and methodological gaps and challenges, particularly of the developing world,” he added. The Philippines is one of the IFCMA’s Project Associates, and a pilot country candidate, expected to provide data on climate change mitigation-related policies, programs, and projects, and in turn, benefit and learn from a range of carbon mitigation approaches from various countries in different regions. For more information on the CCC’s participation in global and regional climate action, and other mainstreaming activities, visit and
June 23, 2023 Friday
Climate Change Commissioner Rachel Anne S. Herrera and International Centre for Climate Change and Development Director Saleemul Huq, OBE, join the Asia-Gulf Cooperation Council Senior Officials' Dialogue to discuss the nexus of climate change and migration MANILA, 20 June 2023 — The Climate Change Commission (CCC) pushed for stronger regional cooperation to strengthen the potential of climate action in the context of migration in the Philippines and in the Asia Gulf region. CCC Commissioner Rachel Anne S. Herrera joined the session of the Asia-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Senior Officials' Dialogue where she highlighted the pressing threat of climate change and its profound impact on human mobility. Climate hazards drive involuntary global migration and displacement, with weather-related extremes displacing over 20 million people annually since 2008, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Moreover, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) projects that up to 113 million people could internally migrate by 2050 due to water stress, crop failure, sea level rise, and other slow-onset climate impacts. Commissioner Herrera acknowledged the significance of the human element of choice to address the challenges of climate change-related mobility. “It’s not just about being forced to evacuate or move during times of calamities and distress; it’s also the element of choice — it’s choosing to evacuate, choosing to move, choosing to relocate, while others choose to stay behind. It’s this element of choice that brings people from danger to safety, from doubts to certainty, from risk to resilience,” Commissioner Herrera said. Herrera stressed the need for a comprehensive approach that goes beyond conventional notions of adaptation to address the challenges faced by displaced individuals, including employment, healthcare, and security. “As climate change impacts continue to significantly drive migration and forced displacements, government policies and programs must be able to respond to the complex issues that surround or arise from these movements—issues, such as loss of livelihoods, armed conflict, gender-based violence, lack of access to appropriate healthcare services, and so on,” she emphasized. Commissioner Herrera highlighted the role of local government units (LGUs) in addressing climate risks and developing local climate change action plans, and also acknowledged the importance of international support in integrating human mobility into national climate policies and programs. To strengthen the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration for the Asia-Gulf Cooperation Council, she recommended four areas of collaboration: (1) Conducting climate risk assessments and addressing loss and damage; (2) Enhancing climate targets and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs); (3) Formulating National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) based on scientific evidence; and (4) Supporting local governments in implementing risk-based adaptation interventions. “For millions of people exposed to climate hazards now and in the future, I believe it is our obligation, as leaders in our governments and as members of the Asia-GCC, to open real opportunities for them to choose and live a better life,” Herrera concluded. Professor Saleemul Huq OBE, director of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), supported Commissioner Herrera’s statement, acknowledging that migration is also a viable adaptation strategy. “Migration is not just a problem, but is actually a solution. We need to think of helping migrants, provide support for those who are forced to leave their homes, and of course, address the underlying causes of climate change,” said Prof. Huq. The CCC commits to advancing climate action and collaboration with stakeholders by leveraging expertise and insights on the complex relationship between climate change and migration. “Addressing issues related to migration and forced displacements directly translates to saving lives, livelihoods and future of population and communities,” said CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje. “In the long run, this intervention does not only address loss and damage, but likewise contribute to the larger scope of climate change adaptation and mitigation,” he added. The event served as a platform for labor migration officials from Bahrain, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Kuwait, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, the Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, and the United Arab Emirates to discuss issues of common interest which affect labor mobility, including climate change. The dialogue is hosted by the Department of Migrant Workers of the Philippines, in cooperation with the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines, the City of Taguig, and with the support of the United Nations Network on Migration, the International Organization for Migration, the International Labour Organization, and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. For more information on the Climate Change Commission’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit and
June 20, 2023 Tuesday
The Climate Change Commission and First Gen Corporation spearheaded a community-level greenhouse gas inventory training for local government units in Nueva Ecija and Nueva Vizcaya. PANTABANGAN, NUEVA ECIJA, 20 June 2023 — The Climate Change Commission (CCC) led a community-level greenhouse gas inventory (GHGI) training in Nueva Ecija and Nueva Vizcaya, in partnership with First Gen Corporation, to support the initiatives of the local governments toward greenhouse gas emissions reduction. LGU representatives from Pantabangan, Ma. Aurora and Carranglan in Nueva Ecija, and Alfonso Castañeda in Nueva Vizcaya participated in the pre-orientation training, which aimed at equipping LGUs with the necessary knowledge and skills for conducting community-level GHGI. “We are providing support for our LGUs to identify and prioritize climate actions that are appropriate and relevant to their respective communities and contribute to the country's overall climate change mitigation efforts,” said CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje. This initiative is part of the collaborative efforts of the CCC and First Gen under the "Create for the Climate" program to support LGUs in First Gen's host communities in formulating and updating their enhanced Local Climate Change Action Plans (eLCCAP). The GHGI is one of the modules included in the LCCAP. The LCCAP, as mandated by Republic Act (RA) 9729, as amended by RA 10174, outlines LGU’s vulnerabilities and risks related to climate hazards, along with the corresponding adaptation and mitigation actions to be undertaken. Both the CCC and First Gen Corporation demonstrate their commitment to support LGUs in their climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts. Collaborative initiatives like the GHGI pre-orientation training aim to enhance local capacities and promote sustainable development for a climate-resilient future. For more information on the CCC’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit and
June 20, 2023 Tuesday
BONN, GERMANY, 18 June 2023 –The Philippines and the Group of 77 (G77) through its Chair Cuba have committed to work closely and further reinforce coordination in order to advance the positions of developing nations in all relevant meetings of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Meeting at the sidelines of the 58th Session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB58) of UNFCCC here, Climate Change Commission Secretary Robert E.A. Borje, Head of Delegation of the Philippines, and Group of 77 Chair Ambassador Pedro L. Pedroso Cuesta and Head of Delegation of Cuba, both reaffirmed the importance of the Group of 77 in advancing the positions of developing nations, particularly in relation to delivery of Means of Implementation as well as on Loss and Damage. Secretary Borje and Ambassador Cuesta renewed the commitment of both delegations to work closely together and further reinforce coordination in the leadup to the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the UNFCCC in the United Arab Emirates, noting that COP28 is a valuable opportunity to build on the gains of G77 and COP27 in Sharm-El-Sheikh in Egypt. Both Officials discussed the need to further strengthen the positions of developing nations in loss and damage as well as in scaling and speeding up the delivery of commitments of industrialized nations to developing nations in terms of capacity building, technology development and transfer, as well as climate finance. “Developing nations need to work even more closely under the ambit of the G77 to better articulate principled positions on climate change and make even more resonant our message on living up to commitments under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement,” said Secretary Borje. “The Philippines appreciates the work of Cuba as Chair of G77 and we will ensure we are a constructive partner to the Chair and to the G77 in advancing our shared objectives,” he added. For updates on the Philippines’ participation in SB58, visit the Climate Change Commission’s website at and
June 18, 2023 Sunday
BONN, GERMANY, 18 June 2023 – The Philippines and the Holy See underscored the need for and importance of ecosystem stewardship in order to advance meaningful and transformative climate action and agreed to explore ways by which stewardship could be pushed in appropriate fora within and outside the United Nations system. Meeting at the sidelines of the 58th Session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB58) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Climate Change Commission Secretary Robert E.A. Borje, Head of Delegation of the Philippines, and Monsignor John Kallarackal, Head of Delegation of the Holy See, underscored the importance of cooperation in ramping education programs on both climate change and of human stewardship to better protect and manage ecosystems and natural resources.   Secretary Borje underlined that climate change is a “global, systemic and historic issue that needs” and that human beings and institutions responsible for taking care of the environment have to work to bring about meaningful and transformative action, particularly through education. “Education plays a crucial role in addressing climate change. We need to empower our youth and adults through education on intergenerational responsibility in order to change what is now a story of devastation into a story of transformation. We need to start them young,” said Secretary Borje. Monsignor Kallarackal meanwhile shared that promoting education was one of the efforts of the Holy See at the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. He said, “The Holy See recognizes the importance of education in the fight against climate change, thus, promoted education, lifestyle and behavioral change, as well as lobbied for net-zero, in COP27.” Both officials also agreed that loss and damage funding (LDF) is vital to helping vulnerable countries to climate change, such as the Philippines, to recover quickly. Secretary Borje emphasized that “expeditious, stable and predictable disbursement of LDF is key to helping developing countries to recover from the loss and damage resulting from the impacts of climate change.” Both Secretary Borje and Monsignor Kallarackal also recalled with great reflection Typhoon Yolanda and its impacts on the Philippines, underscoring the need to learn from lessons and continuing education to further increase awareness and capacities to address and respond to such severe extreme climate events.   For updates on the Philippines’ participation in SB58, visit the Climate Change Commission’s website at and
June 18, 2023 Sunday
BONN, GERMANY, 18 June 2023 –The Philippines and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reaffirmed the commitment to work closely and fully support the strengthening of an “enabling environment” toward an outcome and results oriented 58th meetings of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB58) and the 28th Conference of Parties (COP28) of the UNFCCC. Meeting at the sidelines of the 58th Session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB58) of UNFCCC, Climate Change Commission Secretary Robert E.A. Borje, Head of Delegation of the Philippines, and UNFCCC Executive Secretary Simon Stiell stressed the need to continue working together and “in a constructive manner” in order to ensure that the SB58 meetings and the COP28 would deliver outcomes and results particularly for vulnerable developing nations. Secretary Borje acknowledged the work of the UNFCCC Secretariat in providing a platform defined by “an enabling environment for discussion and cooperation,” with an emphasis on universal participation and inclusivity. “The Philippines appreciates the work of the UNFCCC Secretariat and will continue to support all efforts that ensure that all relevant UNFCCC meetings are supported accordingly, both in terms of substance and operations,” said Secretary Borje. Executive Secretary Stiell, on the other hand, reassured that the UNFCCC Secretariat remained fully committed to the UNFCCC processes and was at the full disposal of Parties. Both officials looked forward to continue coordinating in the leadup to COP28 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates towards success, and support all efforts for meaningful and transformative outcomes of UNFCCC meetings.  For updates on the Philippines’ participation in SB58, visit the Climate Change Commission’s website at and
June 18, 2023 Sunday
MANILA, 13 June 2023 — For the eighth consecutive year, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) received an unmodified opinion on the Annual Audit Report of the Commission on Audit (COA). This reflects the CCC's commitment to financial transparency and accountability in addressing climate change.   COA’s unmodified opinion for Calendar Year (CY) 2022 signifies that the CCC's financial statements fairly present its financial position, financial performance, cash flows, changes in net assets/equity, comparison of budget and actual amounts, and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies.  "The consistent receipt of an unmodified opinion from COA is a recognition of how the Commission has been able to efficiently manage its financial resources and ensure transparency and accountability in our operations," said Secretary Robert E.A. Borje, Vice Chairperson and Executive Director of the CCC. COA conducts their audits in accordance with the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSA) to ensure the quality and strengthen the credibility of their audit reports. By adhering to COA’s standards, the CCC has effectively allocated resources in its strategies and initiatives aimed at addressing climate change over the past eight years. “We continue to be guided by COA rules and the vision of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. for good governance. The CCC is committed to continue doing everything to improve on fiscal management and administration in order to advance climate policies and projects,” Secretary Borje added.   True to its mandate, the CCC will steadfastly develop and implement robust climate strategies, policies, and actions towards a low-carbon and climate-resilient Philippines.    For more information on the CCC’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit and
June 13, 2023 Tuesday
CCC Commissioner Rachel Anne S. Herrera joins the 10th anniversary event of the World Bank Group in Seoul, South Korea SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA, 13 June 2023 — The Climate Change Commission (CCC) lauded the Republic of Korea (ROK) as a valuable partner of the Philippines in building climate resilience and advancing sustainability and circular economy, during the 10th Anniversary Event: “A Decade of Innovation” of the World Bank (WB) Group Korea Office.  CCC Commissioner Rachel Anne S. Herrera said that Korea has provided not only timely aid during disasters, such as in the oil spill in Oriental Mindoro in February of this year, but has been a key partner in advancing the work to improve policies against plastics pollution.  “One year ago, the Philippines enacted a law on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), amending our two-decade-old waste management act. We see this as a crucial means to integrate the role of the private sector in waste management and to make all stakeholders more involved in managing the plastic crisis. Overall, this is also to promote a fair system because we know that the waste crisis does not fall on the plate of the government alone, but also on the private sector and informal sector,” Herrera said.  “In this aspect, we look forward to the capacity building program on EPR from policy analysis to application of best practices, through the support of the World Bank and the Korea Green Growth Trust Fund, in order to address two decades of policy and implementation gaps,” she added. Herrera noted that the World Bank is also assisting the Philippines to develop a roadmap on zero single-use plastics, producing at least five reports and rigorous analysis of solid waste management data and effectiveness of existing policies.  She also said that the EPR system is an important transitional policy mechanism, but the end goal is phasing out single-use plastics. She mentioned the World Bank’s newly launched study, “Distributional Impacts of Plastic Policies in the Philippines,” which provides insights and analysis on the impacts of phasing out or regulating single-use plastics to low income, marginalized communities.  “Learning from this cooperation, we know that we can empower communities if we engage and provide them the necessary data that they can work with to influence local policy and planning, while respecting local culture and heritage and opening more access to economic opportunities. The Philippines looks to Korea, its good neighbor, to strengthen resilient growth and circular economy aspirations,” Herrera concluded. Secretary Ivan John Uy of the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) delivered the keynote speech during the event and noted how the Philippines wishes to emulate Korea’s best practices in technology and innovation to transform our country into a world-class economy.  “The Philippines’ DICT is at the forefront of transforming the Philippine bureaucracy to e-governance initiatives, bridging the digital divide by providing digital connectivity across our archipelago backed up by a robust digital infra network and providing ICT competency, upskilling and reskilling opportunities to nurture a growing and a very young, competitive ICT workforce,” said Uy, who added that the Philippine digital economy would be able to generate an estimated US$25 billion in revenues in a couple of years through e-governance initiatives. For more information on the Climate Change Commission’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit and
June 13, 2023 Tuesday
Photo Courtesy: Presidential Communication Office Bonn, Germany 11 June 2023 – The Philippines’ commitments and advancements to whole-of-nation and whole-of-world climate action under the administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. were highlighted in Bonn, Germany where nations are meeting to address climate change and its challenges under the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC). While rallying nations to deliver on climate commitments, the Philippines pointed out that under President Marcos Jr., the Philippines was involved in transformative climate action and putting “its money where its mouth is” through relevant programs and policies. Speaking at the opening plenary of the 58th Sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SB58) of the UNFCCC, Secretary Robert E.A. Borje, Vice Chairperson and Executive Director of the Climate Change Commission (CCC), underscored that “addressing climate change and its impacts are among the top priorities of the administration of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.”  Secretary Borje cited the investments of the Marcos Administration in the public sector, stating that, “for this year alone, the government allocated US$ 8.2 billion[1], or almost 9 percentof our total national budget, for climate change adaptation and mitigation programs towards meeting our unconditional Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) targets.” The figure, based on data from the Climate Change Expenditure Tagging (CCET), is 60 percent higher than the previous year’s climate budget. This is the biggest budget allocation for climate change ever recorded, signifying the country’s commitment to increase domestic resources dedicated to climate action.  “Under the Marcos Administration, “accelerating climate action and enhancing climate resilience have been more firmly embedded in our development agenda, which we project will lead to more flow of resources, including Means of Implementation,” Secretary Borje emphasized.   The Philippine Development Plan (PDP) for the 2023-2028 period devoted an entire chapter to climate change and disaster resiliency for the first time. This pioneering chapter identifies key objectives for climate action, including increasing climate and disaster risk resilience of communities and institutions, enhancing ecosystem resilience, and enabling the transition to a low-carbon economy.   The Philippines reiterated the need to expand and enhance international cooperation in adaptation, mitigation, loss and damage, climate finance, and other means of implementation such as technology transfer and capacity development toward transformative climate action. The CCET is the tool of the government to monitor, track, and report the national and local budgets and investments on climate change adaptation and mitigation programs. For more information on the Philippines’ participation in SB58, visit the Climate Change Commission’s website at and   [1] Exchange rate is pegged at USD 1 to PHP 56  
June 11, 2023 Sunday
At the opening plenary of the 58th Session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB58), the Philippines delivers a powerful call to action on climate change, emphasizing the urgent need for concrete solutions to protect vulnerable nations   BONN, GERMANY, 8 June 2023 – The Philippines delivered a resolute call for immediate and concrete actions to tackle the worsening climate crisis, emphasizing the need to transform the decisions of COP27 into tangible outcomes responsive to the needs of vulnerable developing nations. Delivering the Philippine Statement at the opening of the 58th Session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB58) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Climate Change Commission (CCC) Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje reminded about undelivered commitments. “As we build on the progress Parties made in Sharm El-Sheikh, we believe in the real possibility that we will be able to transform COP27 decisions into actions with outputs and outcomes that are concrete, relevant, and appropriate, responsive to the vulnerable, developing nations’ needs and priorities, and based on best available science and evidence,” said Borje, Head of the Philippine Delegation. Presenting alarming statistics on the loss and damage incurred by the Philippines and nearby ASEAN countries over the past decade, he lamented that the Philippines suffered loss and damage amounting to US$12 billion, equivalent to two times its national budget for crucial health services. Within the Southeast Asian region, the Philippines, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Thailand emerged as four of 10 most vulnerable countries to climate change and disasters. This makes nearly 50 percent of the ASEAN population exposed to climate change impacts. Moreover, the ASEAN region endured economic and human losses of US$97.3 billion, nearly matching the global commitment of US$100 billion by Annex I or industrialized countries for the same period, 2009 to 2020, to support vulnerable developing nations. The Climate Vulnerable Forum and V20 Group of Finance Ministers reported a staggering loss and damage figure of US$525 billion over the past two decades for the 58 vulnerable country members. “These numbers manifest in no uncertain terms, that in the face of worsening climate change, it is our lives, our livelihood, and our collective future at stake. I would like to address my people: Sa nagbabagong klima, buhay, kabuhayan at kinabukasan nating lahat ang nakataya,” Borje stressed. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.'s administration, he added, has prioritized climate change as a critical national concern, and vowed to embed climate resilience and accelerated climate action into its development agenda, with the expectation of increased resource flow, including Means of Implementation. The Philippines allocated US$8.2 billion, or 9% of its total national budget, for climate change adaptation and mitigation programs this year. Recognizing the magnitude of the climate crisis, Borje called for focused attention on key issues for the SB58 conference. These critical points include utilizing the latest findings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), considering emissions avoidance as a mitigation option, accelerating work programs for concrete action, expediting the operationalization of relevant funds and networks, ensuring streamlined access to climate finance, and delivering effective means of implementation. Emphasizing the importance of inclusive participation, he urged the involvement of civil society, indigenous peoples, local communities, women and girls, youth, differently abled, and other stakeholders in developing holistic and multidimensional climate solutions. With only seven critical years remaining until 2030 to mitigate global warming to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius, Borje highlighted the urgent need to translate dialogues into actions with concrete, relevant, and appropriate outputs and outcomes. “We have talked ourselves out these past years, and at times, we were driven to tears. It is time to act on our commitments and deliver what we said we will do – with the highest speed and in the largest scale possible,” Borje emphasized. He added: “This is no longer the time to explore. Now is the time to ensure that we implement and deploy the most appropriate measures so that we no longer need to grieve, but survive and thrive with higher level of adaptive capacities and climate resilience.” Borje rallied the global community to work harder and “save lives, protect livelihoods, and secure a safe, resilient, and sustainable future for all.” SB58, held in Bonn, Germany from 5 to 15 June 2023, gathered representatives from various countries, international organizations, civil society, and other stakeholders to discuss critical issues related to climate change. It provides a crucial platform for dialogue and negotiation leading up to COP28 in Dubai, UAE in November. For updates on the Philippines’ participation in SB58, visit and
June 08, 2023 Thursday
The Climate Change Commission joins the hearing of the Senate presided by Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda on the proposed consolidated bills introducing the Philippine Ecosystem and Natural Capital Accounting System (PENCAS)   MANILA, 6 June 2023 — The Climate Change Commission (CCC) has expressed its strong support for the bills introducing the Philippine Ecosystem and Natural Capital Accounting System (PENCAS), recognizing its potential to enhance the country's ability to address climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution through a whole-of-government approach. The proposed bills, namely Senate Bill No. 9 by Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda, Senate Bill No. 2041 by Sen. Joel Villanueva, and Senate Bill No. 1914 by Sen. Ramon Bong Revilla Jr., all seek to institutionalize an environmental-economic accounting system within the government. “As we face an age of changing climate and unprecedented biodiversity loss, the challenge is how we can use our vulnerability as an opportunity to examine the role and impact of natural resources on the economic growth of a developing nation such as our country,” Legarda underscored. During the Subcommittee on Economic Affairs' joint hearing with the Committees on Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change, and Finance, CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje expressed that the proposed legislation “will provide the foundation for precise and transparent policy and decision making in environment and natural resources management.” He added, “It can also provide a compelling basis for more targeted investments on programs that will promote a healthy environment, sustainable ecosystem services and resilient people.” Borje also highlighted the alignment of the proposed measure with global and national frameworks, such as the Paris Agreement, National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP), National Adaptation Plan (NAP), Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Implementation Plan; and Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028 Chapter 15: Accelerating Climate Action and Strengthen Disaster Resilience. Acknowledging the commendable initiatives of government agencies, Borje also stressed the need for widespread support to develop a comprehensive natural capital account for the entire country. Specific inputs by the CCC include the establishment of natural capital units, valuation of natural capital accounts, involvement of local government units in data collection, implementation of an open data system, and strengthening monitoring, evaluation, and reporting mechanisms. “The CCC hopes that the passing of these bills into law will lead to a systematic and timely accounting of the Philippines’ natural resources, because what is at stake here are the lives, livelihood and the future not just of our nation but of the entire world. Buhay, kabuhayan, at kinabukasan nating lahat ang nakataya,” VCED Borje underscored. Aside from PENCAS bills, the CCC also expressed its support for the proposed “Blue Economy Bill,” which promotes responsible governance of marine resources. Both of these bills were authored by Senator Legarda, which are crucial in ensuring the sustainable economic management of the country’s natural resources. The CCC remains committed to actively participating in discussions to strengthen the proposed bills. For more information on the CCC’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit and
June 06, 2023 Tuesday
MANILA, 3 June 2023 – The Climate Change Commission (CCC) welcomes the new Commission on Audit (COA) regulatory guidelines aiming to strengthen the transparency of the Philippine government’s climate expenditures. The recently issued COA Circular No. 2023-01 provides guidelines to national government instrumentalities  (NGIs) and COA auditors when auditing programs, activities, and projects (PAPs) part of the Climate Change Expenditure Tagging (CCET) process, under the General Appropriations Act (GAA).  The Circular aims to validate that the budget utilization and implementation of PAPs with CCET is in accordance with the law. It also determines the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of climate change programs.   “The CCC welcomes this audit policy of COA to support the CCET process. The new guidelines ensure not only the efficiency and effectiveness of its implementation, but also the proper utilization of resources intended for climate action,” said CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director (VCED) Robert E.A. Borje.  The COA Circular emphasizes that all climate-related PAPs in the GAA for fiscal years (FY) 2021 onwards are expected to be implemented and delivered. The CCET budget has increased by 64.46% – from PHP 282.36 billion in FY 2021 to PHP 464.50 billion in FY 2023. “This initiative will go a long way in encouraging transparency and accountability from the government in how climate expenditures are allocated. We will work closely with COA and extend the necessary technical assistance for the conduct of post-implementation assessment of climate-tagged programs in our annual appropriations,” VCED Borje assured. The CCET is a tool used to track and monitor climate-tagged budgets in the annual appropriations.  Government programs aimed at building climate resilience and promoting a low-carbon future like the Enhanced National Greening Program, Flood Mitigation projects, and Early Warning Systems are tagged in the CCET. For the CCC, the new COA regulatory guidelines shall serve as a tool to promote a low-carbon future and build resilience to climate-related risks and disasters. For more information about the CCET, visit and
June 03, 2023 Saturday
Ceremonial Signing of the Financing Agreement of the five Northern Samar municipalities for the Project Development Grant under the People’s Survival Fund. MANILA, Philippines, 01 June 2023 – The People’s Survival Fund (PSF) Board granted five Northern Samar local government units (LGUs) financing to support their risk assessments and studies with the goal to strengthen their climate adaptation capacities. The municipalities of Bobon, Mondragon, Pambujan, Rosario, and San Jose in Northern Samar received Php 2 million each to pursue project preparation activities and assessments to climate change adaptation proposals through the Project Development Grant (PDG) sub-financing window of PSF. “The CCC welcomes the PDG approval of the five Northern Samar municipalities and lauds the LGUs’ drive to pursue adaptation actions at this crucial time. This is the start of strengthened climate action at the local level through application of nature-based solutions and inclusive approach gearing to a more sustainable and climate-resilient Philippines,” said CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje. With the intent to support second-income class municipalities and below to undertake preliminary activities to formulate science- and evidence-based project proposals, the PDG was established in 2016 as a sub-financing window under the PSF. Recipients of PDG are expected to complete necessary activities and studies within two years leading up to the submission of a full-blown PSF project proposal. “Malaking tulong po ito to address the barriers faced by LGUs during project preparation and design by providing fund for different activities that are crucial for climate change adaptation projects,” said Mayor Reny A. Celespara of Bobon, Northern Samar. Among the activities to be financed through the PDG include climate risk and vulnerability assessments, suitability analysis, project technical designs, and environmental studies.   “I look forward and promise to carry out the objectives of this grant, for the purpose of establishing Rosario LGU’s adaptation program. I hope after two years, we can determine programs for our resilience,” Mayor David A. Bido of Rosario, Northern Samar added.   Present in the event are CCC Commissioner Albert P. Dela Cruz Sr., Department of Finance Undersecretary Mark Dennis Y.C. Joven, and Mr. Macario Jusayan of the Philippine Commission on Women. In 2012, the PSF was established through Republic Act No. 10174 to provide long-stream finance for adaptation projects of local government units and local/community organizations aimed at increasing the resilience of communities and ecosystems to climate change. For more information on the PSF, visit the CCC’s website at or PSF’s Facebook page at For more information on the Climate Change Commission’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit and
June 01, 2023 Thursday
(left) CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director (VCED) Robert E.A. Borje met with Sonia B. Malaluan, Deputy Administrator for Planning of MARINA to discuss potential areas of cooperation in the decarbonization of maritime industry. (right) VCED Borje joins the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Regional Conference on Seizing Opportunities for Green Shipping in Asia and the Pacific. MANILA, 31 May 2023 – The Climate Change Commission (CCC) and the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) have joined forces to pursue a shared objective of a just and equitable transition to a greener and more sustainable maritime industry. The agencies' collaboration began with a meeting to discuss their objectives and strategies for decarbonization, aligned with MARINA's Maritime Industry Development Program (MIDP) 2019-2028. One of the program's core objectives is the "Promotion of Environmentally Sustainable Maritime Industry." The cooperation between the CCC and MARINA is significant, given that the shipping industry contributes to climate change and accounts for over 3% of the global annual carbon dioxide emissions. From 2007-2012, the shipping industry caused approximately 1.015 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions globally, according to the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The CCC welcomes the opportunity to work with MARINA in line with the country's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP). "Shipping is a vital part of our economy, but it also has a significant impact on our climate. Through collaborating with MARINA on green shipping initiatives, we can develop a sustainable maritime industry that benefits both our economy and climate,” said CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje. MARINA expressed their target to align their decarbonization strategies in their technical, operational, and economic measures with the country’s mitigation targets. "This is an important step towards our goal of achieving carbon-neutral shipping in the Philippines. We hope that the CCC can support us in developing and implementing policies that will help reduce the carbon footprint of our shipping industry," said MARINA Deputy Administrator for Planning Sonia B. Malaluan. The CCC was invited by MARINA in the recently held IMO Regional Conference on Seizing Opportunities for Green Shipping in Asia and the Pacific in Manila, where key maritime stakeholders from Pacific Islands and Southeast Asian States gathered to discuss energy efficiency, short sea segment, education of seafarers and global regulations. In his closing remarks, CCC VCED Borje emphasized the importance of collaboration and cooperation among international organizations, governments, NGOs, shipping companies, and other maritime stakeholders to enhance the region's capacity to face the challenges of climate change, toward a more sustainable and green sector. “We need a whole-of-world approach in order to effectively address climate change and to modernize the shipping industry—through an investment-led, accelerated, just, and equitable transition. This is the one thing that the CCC asks from all of our stakeholders. There is an existential threat and challenge of climate change and this is the right time for us to integrate all of these concerns, particularly in the shipping industry,” VCED Borje underscored. The CCC is also invited to the Meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80) on 3-7 July 2023 and Meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 15) on 26-30 July 2023. The two agencies committed to strengthening their partnership further through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The CCC will provide technical expertise, including guidance on mitigation and adaptation measures, to support MARINA’s policies and programs on decarbonization, and sharing of scientific studies and data sources on GHG emissions. The CCC is also invited by MARINA to be a member of the Technical Working Group under the National Task Force: Inter-agency Coordinating Committee to Facilitate the Ratification and Accession to and Implementation of Maritime Conventions (ICCFRAIMC). MARINA is an attached agency under the Department of Transportation that is mandated to integrate the development, promotion, and regulation of the maritime industry in the country. The proposed collaboration forms part of the CCC's goal of building and strengthening strategic partnerships with a broad range of stakeholders to influence greater climate action. For more information on the CCC’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit and
May 31, 2023 Wednesday
MANILA, 30 May 2023 — The Climate Change Commission (CCC) emphasized the importance of gender-responsive climate policies and programs  through a Gender and Development (GAD) Agenda Workshop, which will serve as the agency’s roadmap in setting its gender-responsive climate initiatives. As part of its commitment to mainstream gender in climate action, the CCC conducted a series of workshops from February to May of this year for the members of its GAD Focal Point System (GFPS). In her welcome remarks, Commissioner Rachel Anne S. Herrera, CCC GFPS Chairperson, emphasized the importance of gender-responsive climate policies and programs. “The importance of gender-responsive policies and programs cannot be overstated. We need to ensure that our policies and programs are designed with a gender lens, promoting equality, and empowering women and other marginalized genders. We need to recognize and address the unique challenges faced by different genders in our society, especially when these are results of climate change issues,” Commissioner Herrera stressed. During the first leg of the workshop held in February, the GFPS members were introduced to fundamental GAD concepts, with emphasis on the use of the Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF) tool which measures the extent of the gender mainstreaming efforts of the Commission. The second leg held this month focused on the integration of gender concerns into the design and subsequent implementation of CCC programs and projects using the Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) Design, and the Program and Project Implementation, Management and Monitoring and Evaluation (PIMME) Checklists, respectively. The remaining days of the workshop were solely dedicated to the development of the CCC GAD Agenda. “The CCC shall continue these capacity development programs in order for us to effectively integrate gender considerations throughout the planning, financing, and implementation stages of policies and programs that will strengthen women’s capacity to protect and nurture the well-being of their respective communities from the impacts of climate change,” CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje emphasized. For more information about the CCC’s gender and climate change initiatives, visit
May 30, 2023 Tuesday
(Photo courtesy of the Presidential Communications Office) President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. vows to include climate resilience in his administration’s social and infrastructure projects during his speech at a reception hosted by the Asian Development Bank MANILA, Philippines 22 May 2023 – The Climate Change Commission (CCC) lauded President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.’s pronouncement emphasizing the administration’s commitment to climate resiliency and sustainability in all social and infrastructural projects. It is a clear articulation and instructions on the President’s vision for a climate smart and climate resilient Philippines. The President vowed to implement resiliency measures in the Philippines in the areas of water supply, sanitation, energy and transport systems, and agriculture and food production. These areas are among the priorities identified by the CCC in its National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP). NCCAP outlines a long-term program and strategies for climate change adaptation with the national development plan for 2011 to 2028. It focuses on seven thematic priority areas: food security; water sufficiency; ecosystem and environmental stability; human security; climate-smart industries and services; sustainable energy; and knowledge and capacity development. Pres. Marcos said, “Our goal is still to evolve our economy into one that is defined by sustainability, climate resilience, responsiveness and, of course, inclusivity. I also spoke about my administration's eight-point socio-economic agenda, which laid the blueprint for the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) for 2023 to 2028.” Under the Marcos Administration, a specific chapter on climate change and resilience was devoted in the Philippine Development Plan (PDP 2023-2028), a whole-of-government approach welcomed by the CCC. In chapter 15 of the PDP (2023-2028), titled Accelerate Climate Action and Strengthen Disaster Resilience, it identifies the goal for communities, institutions, and the natural and built environment to be “more resilient to the impacts of natural hazards and climate change” by 2028. CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director (VCED) Robert E.A. Borje pointed out that President Marcos’ guidance will further strengthen the commitment of the Philippine Government to deliver on key transformative climate actions. “The PDP Chapter 15 reflects the Philippine Government’s commitment and dedication to enhance the nation’s overall resilience to climate change and its impacts, putting a premium on the need for integrated and comprehensive climate action between and among government, partners, and stakeholders,” he said.  For FY2023, P453.1 billion has already been tagged for climate change expenditure by National Government Institutions for their adaptation and mitigation programs. Representing a 56% increase from FY2022’s P289.7 billion budget, this is “an indication of of the priority of the Administration given to transformative climate change agenda, as laid out by President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr.,” VCED Borje added. The President made this announcement at a reception hosted for him by the Asian Development Bank on May 22, Monday, emphasizing that “climate change can, will and already is unleashing nature’s fury upon our communities and our people.” The Philippines ranked first in the World Risk Index 2022 among 193 countries, proving our country’s vulnerability to climate change. Pres. Marcos also emphasized the important role of partnerships between the government, private sector and other stakeholders addressing the climate crisis. “We say all hands on deck in order to make the plan work. Whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches, public-private partnerships, international collaborations shall be adopted as necessary,” he said. To which CCC VCED Borje added, “True to the principle of whole-of-nation and inclusive approach in conducting our policy work, we will constantly foster more meaningful convergence among different sectors and stakeholders, so we could all work together, pool our resources, knowledge and expertise. We all need to further scale up climate action, because it is our life, livelihood and future that are at stake.” For more information on the Climate Change Commission’s mainstreaming activities, visit and
May 22, 2023 Monday
Climate Change Commission Deputy Executive Director Romell Antonio O. Cuenca presented the CCC's plans and priorities for the years 2023-2027 at the "Carbon Emission Reduction: What Can We Do?" event organized by the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines MANILA, 20 May 2023 — The Climate Change Commission (CCC) highlighted the important role of private sector in accelerating just and equitable transition towards low-carbon, sustainable development by means of investment-led climate action. In the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines’ (AmCham) “Carbon Emission Reduction: What Can We Do?” forum, the CCC presented the Philippine government’s plans and priorities on climate change, to guide climate investments from private and business sectors. “The Philippine government, through the Climate Change Commission, is ramping up whole-of-government, whole-of-society, and whole-of-world approaches in addressing climate change,” CCC Deputy Executive Director Romell Antonio O. Cuenca said. He added, “Towards more collective and transformative climate action, the CCC further strengthens its collaboration with sectors and stakeholders, including private and business sectors, to catalyze climate investments.” Guided by President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr., the CCC’s priorities include the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) formulation, Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) implementation, and Long-term Strategy development. These priorities are anchored on policies set forth by the Commission, including the National Framework Strategy on Climate Change and its National Climate Change Action Plan, the National Climate Risk Management Framework, and ongoing work on Green Jobs and of the Interagency Task Force on Sustainable Finance. Cognizant of the crucial role of various sectors in further advancing climate action, the CCC established a contact group, ‘CONNECT: Communicating Opportunities to Network, Navigate, and Explore Climate Transformation,’ composed of private sector partners. It creates a venue to discuss potential collaborations on specific climate issues. “The CCC continues to build and strengthen ties with key sectors and stakeholders, so we can collectively advance our pace and level towards national climate resilience,” CCC Deputy Executive Director Cuenca said. He added, “Let us work together to find climate solutions that are sustainable, innovative and transformative, and ensure implementation and deployment of these solutions through adequate and quality climate investments.” One focus area for decarbonization is the power sector. In the World Bank Group’s Philippines Country and Climate Development Report, it was estimated that Php 3.4 trillion pesos of investments are needed for power sector decarbonization. During the event, AmCham members showcased sustainability and decarbonization solutions being implemented by various multinational companies and enterprises in the country, including in areas of energy, transport, and industries. Present were representatives from Unilever and Mondelez, members of Net Zero Carbon Alliance, professional services firm Deloitte, and local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which shared strategies on carbon emissions reduction and transition to cleaner, more sustainable business practices. For more information on the CCC’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit the CCC website at and
May 20, 2023 Saturday
Climate Change Commission Vice Chairperson and Executive Director Robert E.A. Borje and Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency Executive Director Donald James D. Gawe during the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement MANILA, 17 May 2023 – The Climate Change Commission (CCC) and the Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency (PNVSCA) committed to maximize the potential of volunteerism and community participation in addressing climate change in the country in a Memorandum of Agreement. Under the agreement, the CCC and PNVSCA will jointly organize, support, and participate in programs and activities to promote volunteerism in mainstreaming climate change resiliency, aligned with the national government’s whole-of-society approach to sustainable development. CCC Vice Chairperson and Executive Director (VCED) Robert E.A. Borje expressed enthusiasm over the partnership with PNVSCA. He highlighted the importance of volunteerism in activities that improve community resilience and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. "We need a paradigm shift in our mindset towards volunteerism, as it is a tool in building and advancing policies to avoid, minimize, and address climate risks. We must appreciate that volunteerism should be present not only in times of crisis, but also in fostering holistic formation and development. With this, volunteerism serves as a catalyst for realizing progress and creating a sustainable impact," VCED Borje emphasized. Meanwhile, PNVSCA Executive Director Donald James D. Gawe said that the partnership will help mobilize more volunteers and stakeholders to support the country's climate change agenda. “This is also a good opportunity not only to raise awareness, but as we engage more partners from the private sector, civil society organizations, academe, national government agencies, and local government units, this partnership can encourage more stakeholders to create and establish their own volunteering mechanism to build and enhance the climate resilience of their respective communities,” said Dr. Gawe. The collaboration is expected to provide an effective mechanism to ensure that climate change initiatives are integrated across different sectors and communities. The CCC and PNVSCA endeavor to launch activities during the annual celebration of the Global Warming and Climate Change Consciousness Week in November, and International Volunteer Day and the National Volunteer Month in December. The CCC is mandated to formulate and implement policies, plans, and programs related to climate change adaptation and mitigation, while the PNVSCA is tasked with promoting and developing volunteerism as a strategy for national development. The MOA was signed by CCC VCED Robert E.A. Borje and PNVSCA Executive Director Donald James D. Gawe during a ceremony held at the CCC office in Manila. Through this partnership, both agencies will create greater synergy and cooperation among government agencies and other stakeholders towards accelerating the transition to a climate-resilient and sustainable future for the Philippines. For more information on the CCC’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit and
May 17, 2023 Wednesday