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The Youth Strike 4 Climate Philippines visited and met with Secretary Emmanuel M. De Guzman of the Climate Change Commission last September 18, 2019 and presented their National Youth Demands in preparation for the 2019 Global Climate Strike. The visit was part of the CCC's commitment to actively collaborate with the youth in addressing the climate crisis. MANILA, 28 September 2020 — The Climate Change Commission (CCC) joins our young Filipino climate advocates in calling for urgent and bolder actions towards climate justice in observance of the Global Day of Climate Action on September 25. The Global Day of Climate Action is a worldwide youth-led movement for climate awareness and justice conducted at the time that the United Nations’ General Assembly also takes place. This year’s assembly is virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the Philippines, Filipino youth organizations focused on the theme “Para Sa Klimabukasan,” staging innovative climate strikes and movements online. This year’s mobilization recognized the youth who stood by the environment and vulnerable and marginalized communities, as well as honored fallen medical and environmental frontliners who courageously fought COVID-19 and the climate crisis. The climate body supported the Filipino youth’s call for urgent and decisive climate action from all nations, especially those who are historically responsible to the climate crisis, in order to uphold climate justice, implement environmental and natural resource conservation policies, support the ambition to create a circular economy in cities and communities, and promote youth participation in policymaking processes. The Commission expressed that it remains committed to advancing climate action and sustaining the fight for the 1.5 warming threshold by ensuring that these will be incorporated in the development of policies and implementation of plans to uphold the country’s best interests in the context of climate justice. Moreover, the agency encourages national and local leaders, academe, private sector, and civil society to continue empowering the youth in all aspects of climate action by supporting their initiatives, hearing their voices, and working with them towards a more sustainable and resilient future for all.
September 27, 2020 Sunday
The Philippines, represented by the Climate Change Commission (CCC), expressed its commitment to submit its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) before the year ends, despite the challenges in light of the COVID-19 pandemic at the ASEAN-COP26 Dialogue 2020.  CCC Commissioner Rachel Herrera stated that the Philippine NDC will convey more realistic yet ambitious mitigation targets, alongside the country’s adaptation priorities. She also called for greater synergy within the region in raising ambition, especially in the implementation of the ASEAN countries’ NDCs to help achieve the global goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, as prescribed in the Paris Agreement,  taking into account the needs of vulnerable people, places and ecosystems. CCC Policy Chief Jerome Ilagan meanwhile emphasized that the existing policies, plans, and roadmaps of the Philippines will support the development of long-term strategies on low emission and sustainable development. The ASEAN-COP26 Climate Dialogue serves a platform for senior government officials from ASEAN Member-States (AMS) to share their experiences in meeting and enhancing their climate pledges under the Paris Agreement through NDC enhancement and implementation.  The dialogue also provides an opportunity for AMS to exchange lessons on developing long term climate strategies (LTS), as well as promote cross-regional discussion on driving and building momentum for climate action in the lead up to COP26 and in exploring strategies for economic recovery from COVID19 within the region.
September 25, 2020 Friday
MANILA, 25 September 2020 — In celebration of the World Environmental Health Day tomorrow, the Climate Change Commission paid tribute to the country’s environmental health practitioners (EHPs), workers, and advocates, and called for stronger support for climate and environmental programs, especially in this time of pandemic and climate emergency.   Celebrated every September 26th of each year, the World Environmental Health Day aims to underscore the impacts of environmental risks and hazards on public health and wellness.   The observance is also in line with the Philippine Development Plan (PDP), which seeks to raise public consciousness on the relationship of health and the environment and promote activities that ensure accountability on health and environmental integrity.   According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly one in four deaths across the globe are due to environmental factors. Every year, an estimated 12.6 million people die as a result of living or working in an unhealthy environment. Environmental risk factors, such as air, water, and soil pollution, chemical exposures, ultraviolet radiation, and climate change contribute to more than 100 diseases and injuries.   The CCC noted that the outbreak of COVID-19 disease caused serious devastation, loss of life, and economic hardship to people all over the world. At the same time, it has brought us to a turning point, of recognizing the greater value of biodiversity conservation and planetary health for sustainable development.   In this World Environmental Health Day, as we exert all efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis, may we also continue taking better decisions and actions that would nurture and protect the delicate balance between humanity and the environment and planet we live in.
September 24, 2020 Thursday
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte virtually addresses the general debate of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), on September 22, 2020, in New York. This is the first time that President Duterte addressed the UNGA and has called on the parties of the Paris Agreement to exhibit urgency in fighting climate change.  Before fellow world leaders at the 75th United Nations General Assembly, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte called for all to act on the climate crisis with urgency as one united community under the Paris Agreement. The President stated: “The same urgency needed to fight COVID-19 is needed to address the climate crisis. This is a global challenge that has worsened existing inequalities and vulnerabilities from within and between nations. Climate change has worsened the ravages of the pandemic. Peoples in developing countries like the Philippines suffer the most. We cannot afford to suffer more. The Philippines joined the Paris Agreement to fight climate change. We call on all parties, especially those who have not made good their commitment to fight climate change, to honor the same. We call on all parties to strengthen communities and peoples for preparedness and resilience. We are talking about mankind and Earth, our one and only home.” To this end, we underscore the need for climate action to shape our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Global and national economic stimulus packages must channel massive investments in renewable energy, sustainable mobility and transportation systems, ecosystems-based adaptation measures, and green and climate-resilient infrastructure. Keeping to the commitments in the Paris Agreement will allow the world to keep global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. The 1.5°C temperature goal is a threshold of chance and hope for developing countries like the Philippines. If we breach it, we lose countless lives and bring immeasurable suffering, especially to the poor and vulnerable. Honoring the 1.5°C goal is to raise global ambition and accelerate action that would enable better support to build resilience for developing countries. It is to bring climate justice to the fore.  We call on our leaders to heed science and let it inform the country’s national and local development plans to ensure strong risk governance and sustainable development at all levels. This must go hand-in-hand with the full implementation of our environmental and climate change laws. We urge our policymakers to create an enabling environment that would decouple economic growth from the endless extraction and misuse of natural resources, including the development of policies that will drive innovations in energy, transportation, and manufacturing systems. Lastly, we call for greater cooperation and action on the finalization of the country’s First Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). The sooner we submit our NDC, the sooner we can unlock new sources of climate finance that will enable us to advance rapidly the implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation programs in our communities. May the President’s leadership resolve inspire all of us to increase the intensity and depth, and the breadth and impact, of our climate actions to make our development sustainable and our societies resilient.
September 23, 2020 Wednesday
MANILA, 23 September 2020 — For the 19th episode of “Stories for a Better Normal: Pandemic and Climate Change Pathways,” with the topic “Weaving Resilience: Reviving Indigenous Textiles and Crafts,” traditional weaving experts will share knowledge on indigenous weaving traditions and crafts, as well as underscore the need to enhance the resilience of the weaving industry against climate change.  The episode, hosted by House Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda, will air on Thursday, 24 September 2020, 10:00 AM via Facebook Live at and   Indigenous textile experts and traditional weavers will join the online conversation, including Dr. Norma Respicio, Philippine textile expert, University of the Philippines (UP) Professor Emeritus; Ms. Anna India Legaspi, piña cloth expert based in Aklan; and Ms. Rhoda Pon-an, Executive Director of the Antique Development Foundation.  The episode will also highlight traditional weaving as an environmental-friendly, sustainable, and culture-based livelihood, and feature grassroots enterprises that keep the weaving traditions alive.  In previous episodes, the online series tackled food gardening, saving seeds, permaculture, good nutrition and diet, youth climate activism, sustainable urban mobility, planting native trees, practical sustainability, narrating risk to resilience stories through books, tree pest and disease management, and biodiversity conservation in order to teach citizens to be self-sustainable, self-sufficient, and appreciative of our nature.   This upcoming episode aims to emphasize the role of our traditional weaving industry in preserving our cultural heritage and local craftspersonship, as well as generate broader public support for traditional weaving and crafts as our indigenous weavers and groups face challenges due to the pandemic and climate crisis. As an online discussion to promote health, environmental consciousness, and climate-adaptive practices, "Stories for a Better Normal" aims to change the mindset of individuals, families, and communities by demonstrating ways in which a ‘better normal’ can be realized within our communities.    This online discussion is organized in partnership between the Office of Deputy Speaker Legarda and the Climate Change Commission, with support from the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities, The Climate Reality Project-Philippines and Mother Earth Foundation.
September 22, 2020 Tuesday
MANILA, 21 September 2020 — Panay Island biodiversity experts and advocates urged Filipinos to support efforts on biodiversity conservation and sustainable tourism in order to protect endemic plant and animal species, wetlands and protected areas, and the natural heritage of Panay Island, during the 18th episode of “Stories for a Better Normal: Pandemic and Climate Pathways” with the topic “Panay: Native Plants, Birds, and Island Ecology.” The online conversation, hosted by Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda, featured experts and advocates, including former Aklan Vice Governor Gabrielle Calizo-Quimpo; Mr. Flord Nicson Calawag, biodiversity researcher and member of the Panay Bird Club; Mr. Ralph Perez, Administrator of Lunhaw Madia-as; Ms. Lisa Paguntalan, Executive Director of the Philippines Biodiversity Conservation Foundation (PhilBio); and Dr. Enrique Sanchez Jr., President of the Philippine Initiative for Conservation of Environment and the People (PhilinCon). Former Vice Governor Calizo presented the two well-known mangrove eco-parks of Aklan, the Bakhawan Nature Study and Eco-Park and the Katunggan It Ibajay Eco-Park, and explained how their mangroves saved Kalibo from strong typhoons and disasters. “Itong mangroves, maraming benefits para sa mga local residents dahil makakakuha ka ng crabs, shellfish, and woodworms. Nagpapa-contest din kami ng different ways of cooking kabilog, pwede ka rin mag-kayak, and sa gitna, meron siyang parang sandbar na pwede kang mag-picnic doon. It is not only for the protection of the environment, but we have developed another tourist attraction for the municipality of Kalibo," said Calizo. Mr. Calawag featured different kinds of birds in Panay Island and expressed that the fauna of Panay, one of the major islands of the Philippines, remains understudied and many species have yet to be discovered. He reiterated that a well-balanced ecology could support a healthy avifauna and that an abundance of avifauna indicates a healthy ecology. “Napakasarap ng feeling na mas naa-appreciate po ngayon ng mga plantitos, plantitas, at bird enthusiasts na very blessed po ang Panay Island at Antique in terms of our natural heritage. Hopefully, this advocacy can help spark the younger generations’ zeal to protect our sustainable tourism and to develop community-based tourism organizations para ma-empower ang local communities na i-preserve and conserve ang natitirang natural heritage mula sa bundok papunta sa dagat,” said Calawag. Mr. Perez introduced Lunhaw Madia-as, a group of native tree enthusiasts that aim to protect endemic and native trees and forests. He also shared that all must veer away from plant poaching to preserve our forests. “This is very much obvious now with the plant phase that’s taken over everywhere—the plant-demic they call it—with everybody trying to get their hands on plants, even those that are endangered and have been poached from our forests. For the people to be more invested in taking care of the forests, they should be able to refuse what people from the cities throw at them in exchange for these plants,” said Perez. Ms. Paguntalan introduced the Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Foundation Inc., which develops biodiversity conservation programs and partnerships in some of the world’s highest conservation priority areas since 1990. She also discussed their priority conservation measures for Panay Island. “Usually ang mga tao, kapag nag-collect ng seedlings, hanggang doon lang. A better normal should be: irecord natin ang time kung kailan tayo nakakuha ng mga seeds at seedlings. I-geo tag natin ‘yung mother place kung saan tayo nag-collect para malaman natin na sa time na ‘yan, mayroong bunga, bulaklak, at maraming seedlings, at bumuo ng plano kung kailan tayo ulit magkolekta ng seeds at seedlings,” said Paguntalan. Dr. Sanchez introduced the Philippine Initiative for Conservation of  Environment and the People and discussed the successes and remaining challenges of Panay Island conservation work, as well as their advocacy on forest protection, noting the unique wildlife species that are now at the brink of extinction. He also expressed that the government should make environmental preservation a priority in the national budget. “It is expected that the government takes an ever-increasing role in the appropriation of a budget permitting efficient conservation of Panay‘s treasure trove,” said Dr. Sanchez. Legarda shared that the pandemic is an important reminder that human interaction with the ecosystem must remain balanced and that there needs to be greater attention and action towards environmental protection and conservation of ecosystems. She added that promoting our understanding on the benefits of our biodiversity is a critical first step in engaging the public towards these efforts. “The recovery during and after the pandemic has to be a sustainable, green, and resilient recovery. Parte dapat ng recovery natin ang pag-mainstream ng biodiversity conservation, pangangalaga ng ating mga hayop, puno, at halaman, at ang pag-document at propagate ng ating mga native trees. Kailangan bigyan ng karampatang atensyon at suporta para sa ating kalikasan na siyang bumubuhay at bubuhay sa atin at sa mga susunod na henerasyon,” Legarda concluded. As an online discussion to promote health, environmental consciousness, and climate-adaptive practices, Stories for a Better Normal aims to change the mindset of individuals, families, and communities by demonstrating ways in which a ‘better normal’ can be realized within our communities. This online discussion is organized in partnership between the Office of Deputy Speaker Legarda and the Climate Change Commission, with support from the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities, The Climate Reality Project-Philippines, and the Mother Earth Foundation.
September 20, 2020 Sunday
MANILA, 21 September 2020 — In celebration of Zero Emissions Day (ZeDay), the Climate Change Commission (CCC) renewed its call to further reduce dependence on fossil fuels and accelerate the development of renewable energy (RE) in the country.   Observed on September 21st of every year, the Zero Emissions Day, which was borne out of an online initiative, aims to put a global 24-hour moratorium on the combustion of fossil fuels. The goal is to engage people to change their actions on a daily basis towards more climate-friendly choices in their personal life.   The celebration’s message, “Giving our planet one day off a year,” is a simple yet profound reminder of how global economies have relied on the burning of fossil fuels for development, at the expense of our environment and planet. The amount of energy consumed by modern society is staggering, as more and more power-hungry devices become part of people’s daily lives. But the bulk of electricity generated globally is still fossil fuel-based, with only a small percentage generated through renewable energy (RE) sources, such as solar, water, and wind.   The CCC noted that electricity sourced from fossil fuel combustion remains the biggest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, which lead to global warming and climate change.   The Philippines, being one of the world’s most vulnerable countries to the impacts of climate change, has endured a number of climate-related disasters, including typhoons, droughts, and floods. But it still heavily relies on fossil fuel imports, which account for almost half of the country’s total primary energy supply.   The CCC expressed its support for the projected tripling of RE-based capacity of the country to an estimated 15,304 MW by the year 2030 under the  National Renewable Energy Plan (NREP). Achieving the targets would be highly dependent on the successful implementation of the NREP as well as the incentive mechanisms in the Renewable Energy Law.   The CCC also shared the following ways that everyone could follow to limit their energy and fuel consumption and reduce their carbon footprint:  Choose to bike, walk, or take public transportation when going to work, doing groceries, or running errands.. Prepare no-cook meals or cook meals good for many servings. Turn off lights and gadgets when not in use. Pick up a hobby that does not involve electronics, such as reading a book, painting, running, or being a plantito or plantita! Avoid unnecessary online purchases and food deliveries. Socialize with your family members and spend moments with nature.   In this Zero Emissions Day, may we be more mindful on the negative impacts of fossil fuels on our health, environment, and climate. We urge all sectors of our society to reduce their emissions and embrace a clean energy future. 
September 20, 2020 Sunday
September 18, 2020 Friday
MANILA, 19 September 2020 — In celebration of the National Clean-Up Month, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) encouraged households and individuals to take time to declutter, implement proper waste management practices, reassess past purchases, and join online efforts towards the preservation and conservation of the environment. By virtue of Proclamation No. 244, the month of September is declared as the National Clean-Up Month, while Presidential Proclamation No. 470 also designates the 3rd Saturday of September as National Clean-Up Day. Both observances seek to encourage citizens and communities to be responsive in cleaning and protecting the environment. The CCC stressed that there should be increased awareness on waste due to the production and consumption of personal protective equipment (PPE), face masks, gloves, and other COVID-related supplies, which may end up as litter in waterways and our oceans. In this regard, the CCC calls on national and local authorities and citizens in implementing the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, which requires  practices on effective waste management—such as segregation of garbage at source, segregated transportation, processing, treatment, and proper disposal of solid waste—beginning from the home and extending to all levels of society. The CCC enjoins the public to do individual or small cleanups in the home and within the neighborhood, while complying with health and safety measures in this community quarantine due to COVID-19. May this year’s celebration also inspire the youth, national and local leaders, policymakers, businesses, and other stakeholders to do their fair share in keeping a healthy, resilient, and sustainable planet for all.
September 18, 2020 Friday
MANILA, 19 September 2020 – Starting this Monday, September 21, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) and the Oscar M. Lopez Center (OMLC) will commence with the conduct of Climate Film Labs (CFL), a series of trainings on climate science and filmmaking for the participating youth teams of the Klima Film Festival (KFF). The CFL aims to deepen their knowledge and skills to produce science-based films on climate change, as well as their understanding about the climate realities within their regions. It will be conducted online, once a week for four weeks. Teams who qualified for the CFL were clustered based on their regions. A total of five labs will be created and composed of four to seven teams each. For each lab, a science mentor and a film mentor will be assigned, taking into account their expertise on the fields to be discussed and knowledge on the regional language and culture. The labs and regional assignments are as follows: Lab 1: Regions I and II and Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) Lab 2: Regions III, IV-A, and IV-B Lab 3: National Capital Region (NCR) Lab 4: Region VIII Lab 5: Regions IX and X and the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao The invited science mentors include Dr. Marilou Lucas, Professor at the Mariano Marcos State University; Dr. Pedcris Orencio, Program Head of the Research & Development of Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA); Dr. Faye Abigail Cruz, Laboratory Head of the Ateneo de Manila University; Dr. Enrique Oracion, Research Director at Silliman University; and Dr. Mark Anthony Torres, Professor at the Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology. The invited film mentors include Mr. Zig Madamba Dulay, screenwriter and director; Mr. Eduardo Roy Jr., director, writer, and founder of Found Films; Mr. Jose Lorenzo Diokno, director from Global Shapers Manila; Ms. Mary Honeylyn Joy Alipio, screenwriter and lecturer at the University of the Philippines Film Institute; Mr. Lawrence Fajardo, editor and director from Pelikulaw Production; and Mr. Antonio Hesumaria Sescon, director and sculptor from Urian Arts Center. Through the CFL, the CCC and OMLC seek to provide youth participants a venue for consultation with science and film experts towards producing quality films on climate action. For more information about the Klima Film Festival and Climate Film Labs, visit the Facebook page of the Climate Change Commission at, its website at, or message the KFF Secretariat at [email protected].
September 18, 2020 Friday
September 17, 2020 Thursday
MANILA, 18 September 2020 — In celebration of World Bamboo Day today, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) highlighted the role of bamboos in climate change adaptation and mitigation and called for support in unlocking the Philippine bamboo industry’s potential to provide sustainable livelihoods and promote climate resilience in our communities. World Bamboo Day, initiated during the 8th World Bamboo Congress on September 18, 2009, at Prachan Buri, Thailand, aims to highlight the importance of bamboo towards ensuring sustainable utilization and cultivation of bamboo for new industries in regions around the world, as well as the promotion of its traditional uses and economic benefits for our communities. The CCC expressed that bamboo propagation is a nature-based solution that can help in poverty alleviation, environmental protection, and climate change mitigation. Bamboo gives off 35% more oxygen than trees and sequesters more carbon (400%) per unit area. It also produces a huge amount of biomass, absorbs heavy metals, conserves water, restores degraded lands, and stabilizes soils against erosion. According to the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan, the local and global bamboo industry is aligned with 11 of 17 the UN Sustainable Development Goals, including affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, sustainable cities and communities, and climate action. The CCC noted that this grass plant is flexible, strong, versatile, and fast-growing and can be harvested after only three to five years, compared to thick wood, which can only be harvested usually after 20 years. The Philippines, as one of the world’s top exporters of bamboo, has about 60 known species of bamboo. However, the number of hectares designated as bamboo forest is not enough. For World Bamboo Day, the CCC urges further research, investments, and support to grow and maximize our Philippine bamboo industry. Propagating bamboos can further create green jobs and resilient enterprises, as well as provide sustainable livelihoods to millions of people in rural areas. Investing on bamboo will transform our people's lives at the grassroots and will pave the way for a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future for our country.
September 17, 2020 Thursday
Have separate bins for used masks, gloves, and personal protective equipment (PPE) to avoid possible contamination. It is also important to start using sustainable packages for food and other necessities. Photos from and MANILA, 17 September 2020 — Amid the existing concerns on health and safety during this COVID-19 pandemic, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) also warned the public on the surge of plastic pollution due to the global production and consumption of single-use masks, latex gloves, personal protective equipment (PPE), alcohol and hand sanitizer bottles, and disposable cleaning agents. The CCC stated that plastic waste may end up in our oceans, break into microplastics, and be mistaken for food by marine animals, such as fish, which humans also consume. The climate body also expressed concern on the increasing volume of single-use plastic wastes from take-out and online shopping deliveries. As COVID-19 restricted public mobility, online shopping and food delivery services, often using single-use plastics, have further encumbered our waste management system. With this, the CCC called on local governments and citizens to help in addressing plastic pollution generated during this global health crisis. The CCC also supported the implementation of Administrative Order No. 22-2013 issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) on the proper management and disposal of used masks, PPEs, and other considered hazardous (infectious) waste from hospitals, barangay health centers, and clinics. The climate body also stressed the importance of the enactment of the Ecological Solid Waste Management (ESWM) Act of 2000, which provides guidance on proper  segregation at source, transportation, storage, transfer, processing, treatment, and disposal of solid waste and other waste management activities that do not harm the environment. The CCC also encouraged households and individuals to refuse disposable plastic cutlery when having food delivered and support businesses offering more sustainable delivery packaging, such as cardboard or compostable bags. The CCC expressed that the biggest challenge in adopting a more sustainable lifestyle is breaking old habits and making sacrifices for the climate and environment. But by slowly incorporating sustainable practices into our everyday activities, we would be able to protect both the health of the people, natural systems, and the planet.
September 16, 2020 Wednesday
MANILA, 16 September 2020 — In observance of the 35th International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) urged better measures that would prevent the depletion of the Earth’s ozone layer and encouraged everyone to work together to preserving the life on our planet. Celebrated on September 16th of every year, the international observance commemorates the signing of the 1987 Montreal Protocol on ‘Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer’ (Resolution 49/114), which aims to spread awareness on the depletion of the ozone layer and solutions to preserve it, by reducing the production of substances that are supposed to be responsible for the ozone layer depletion. The CCC noted that the ‘ozone layer’ is the common term for the high concentration of ozone that is found in the stratosphere above the Earth’s surface which covers and protects the entire planet by absorbing harmful Ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation from the sun. It was discovered in the 1970’s that humanity was creating a hole in the ozone layer–caused by ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) used in aerosols and cooling, such as refrigerators and air-conditioners–which increases cases of skin cancer and cataracts, as well as damage plants, crops, and ecosystems. Since then, swift global action from among governments and industries has resulted in measures to control total global production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances, in consideration of recent developments in scientific knowledge and technological solutions. With this year’s theme “Ozone for life: 35 years of ozone layer protection,” the observance reminds everyone of the crucial role of the ozone in sustaining all forms of life on Earth and of everyone’s responsibility to maintain and preserve its current state for the present and future generations. As the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis have brought social and economic setbacks for many countries around the world, the CCC expressed that the message of working together in harmony and for the collective good is as crucial now more than ever.
September 15, 2020 Tuesday
MANILA, 16 September 2020 — All those newly reacquainted with nature due to the pandemic, plantitos and plantitas, and newbie birdwatchers are invited to join the 18th episode of “Stories for a Better Normal: Pandemic and Climate Change Pathways.” The episode will be looking at the larger island ecosystems where our new friends come from, under the topic “Panay: Native Plants, Birds, and Island Ecology.” The episode, hosted by House Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda, will air on Thursday, 17 September 2020, 10:00 AM via Facebook Live at and   Panay island and its biodiversity and ecology will be featured as a shining example, where experts and advocates will join the online conversation, including Mr. Flord Nicson Calawag of the Panay Bird Club; Mr. Ralph Perez of Lunhaw Madia-as, a group of native tree enthusiasts in Panay and Guimaras; Ms. Lisa Paguntalan, Executive Director of the Philippines Biodiversity Conservation Foundation; and Dr. Enrique Sanchez, Jr., President of the Philippine Initiative for Conservation of  Environment and the People. The episode will feature priority conservation measures in the natural forest of Panay Island, the most important carbon sink in the region and its high level of biological diversity and endemism. The episode aims to promote the scaling up of efforts in Panay to all islands in the country. Episode eighteen of the “Stories for a Better Normal” series is an opportunity to encourage more Filipinos to take initial steps toward raising awareness on the importance of ecosystem conservation, understand the values and benefits of biodiversity, and encourage other islands to replicate its good practices on sustainable tourism. In previous episodes, the online series tackled food gardening, saving seeds, permaculture, good nutrition and diet, youth climate activism, sustainable urban mobility, planting native trees, practical sustainability, books, and plant health in order to teach citizens to be self-sustainable and self-sufficient.  As an online discussion to promote health, environmental consciousness, and climate-adaptive practices, "Stories for a Better Normal" aims to change the mindset of individuals, families, and communities by demonstrating ways in which a ‘better normal’ can be realized within our communities.    This online discussion is organized in partnership between the Office of Deputy Speaker Legarda and the Climate Change Commission, with support from the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities, The Climate Reality Project-Philippines and Mother Earth Foundation.
September 15, 2020 Tuesday
MANILA, 15 September 2020 — In celebration of the National Teacher’s Month, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) pays homage to Filipino teachers and educators and their hard work, sacrifices, and efforts in shaping the future of education and honing the minds of our children, despite the challenges of online learning in this COVID-19 pandemic.   Celebrated from September 5 to October 5 of every year by virtue of Proclamation No. 242, s. 2011, the National Teachers’ Month recognizes the unique role and service that teachers play in guiding families, strengthening communities, and building the nation. Republic Act No. 10743 and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) also declared October 5 as the National Teachers’ Day and World Teachers’ Day, respectively.   The theme for this year’s National Teachers’ Month is “iTeach for a Better Future: Gurong Filipino para sa Batang Filipino,” which aims to mark the dedication of teachers all over the country to deliver timely and quality education in ensuring that no child is left behind as we transition towards online and distance learning.   As second parents to our children, our teachers play a big role in educating our children on the importance of climate and environmental stewardship. They inculcate the values to our youth in taking care of our climate and environment through planting trees, conserving water and energy, recycling, and many others.   For this National Teachers’ Month and Teachers’ Day celebrations, the CCC is one with our teachers and the Department of Education in raising a generation of Filipinos who are well-equipped to advocate, innovate, and take action in addressing the challenges of our time. We call on everyone’s support for our teachers and educators in recognition of their invaluable role to nation-building in this time of pandemic and climate emergency.  
September 14, 2020 Monday
September 13, 2020 Sunday